Commentary by Franklin Sanders, The Moneychanger

Franklin Sanders (the self-described natural-born fool from Tennessee) is a very entertaining speaker, writer, shade tree economist and philosopher. Herein he offers an interesting take on the role of agriculture in the overall rotten scheme of things. (see the link below to the video “Rebuilding Your Local Economy.”) — jtl, 419

by Franklin Sanders, The MoneychangerEnglish: Leco Bearcat tactical vehicle used by...

Leco Bearcat tactical vehicle used by the Lee County Sheriff’s Office (Florida) SWAT team

I’ll admit I’ve had a dark cloud hanging over me lately. Just seems that the Rot is progressing faster than I can acclimate to it. Somehow the yankee government refusing to say it won’t use drones in the US seems to me the same as saying it WILL use them. Call me old-fashioned, but a government claiming it has power & authority to kill its own citizens seems to contradict all the purposes of government. I won’t even mention the signs the yankee government is planning once again to wage war on its own people — Homeland Security ordering a billion rounds of hollow point ammo (banned in international warfare) and more armored vehicles that the Germans had when they invaded France in 1940. They need those like a fish needs a bicycle — unless they’re up to no good.

Yep, I know some of y’all with call me paranoid, goofy, squirrelly, all of that, but you have never had a SWAT team on your back porch. A day is coming when y’all are going to have to overcome your fear of government & stand up for your neighbors. Otherwise, when they come for you, there’ll be nobody to stand up for you.

Criminal to resist? That’s what they want you to think, & that it’s criminal to insist on your rights. I reckon morality depends on your viewpoint, & what they call good behavior might also be called cowardice & treason to your fathers and your children. Got to choose.

But shoot! What do I know, a natural born fool from Tennessee? We’re so backward some of us here still believe in the God of the Bible.

By the way, after I recommended to y’all that video, about how to answer agents at a checkpoint & stand up for your rights against unreasonable searches, I got an email from a subscriber who frequently crosses the border in New Mexico. He said agents’ attitudes were fundamentally altered. You don’t reckon a bunch of folks saw that video and acted on it, do you?

I saw a census report that one in three counties is now dying off due to weakened local economies. Young people move away & only the old are left, & these are mostly rural counties. Here’s something you — even little you — can do to fight The Rot & rebuild your local economy: buy local food. That’s the starting point. For more, see my YouTube video, “Rebuilding Your Local Economy,” 46 minutes at

Okay, I’m gonna cheer up now & get mean, plumb mean, so mean I can chew nails and spit out iron filings.

About Land & Livestock Interntional, Inc.

Land and Livestock International, Inc. is a leading agribusiness management firm providing a complete line of services to the range livestock industry. We believe that private property is the foundation of America. Private property and free markets go hand in hand—without property there is no freedom. We also believe that free markets, not government intervention, hold the key to natural resource conservation and environmental preservation. No government bureaucrat can (or will) understand and treat the land with as much respect as its owner. The bureaucrat simply does not have the same motives as does the owner of a capital interest in the property. Our specialty is the working livestock ranch simply because there are so many very good reasons for owning such a property. We provide educational, management and consulting services with a focus on ecologically and financially sustainable land management that will enhance natural processes (water and mineral cycles, energy flow and community dynamics) while enhancing profits and steadily building wealth.
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16 Responses to Commentary by Franklin Sanders, The Moneychanger

  1. Tom says:

    I’m afraid that until we find a way to stop the liberals from manufacturing all the phony votes they want, while eliminating all their opposition’s votes, they will continue to have a choke hold on the White House, the Senate and soon, the House in Washington, DC. Real votes and the truth don’t matter to the Chicago Democrat Machine now that they’ve taken control of the US government.


  2. Gunter says:

    What is really a downer is that your highly educated children think that you and your wife have become very stupid, since the bible is an old book of incorrect facts. The current educators are so darn smart and interesting, since they are re-educating our children in the proper knowledge?!. I have been informed since my daughter got her masters, that none of scientists believe in Christ since they are so smart they have to be left, oops or is it right?


    • Cogent1325 says:

      Gunter, isn’t it sad? There is indoctrination going on in our school system. Personally I feel I got very little out of school aside from debt and a piece of paper that magically unlocks doors. I now have a MS but did not allow that to stop me from thinking. Oh also, did you know the Bible is used by the Smithsonian due to it’s historical accuracy?


      • Gunter says:

        Yes, I am aware that the Smithsonian uses the bible many times as a historical document. In fact I purchased the Jefferson Bible through the Smithsonian for my minister. Believe it or not but my son purchased the same Jefferson Bible for me as a Christmas present. Maybe little things slip through, I hope. I have a B.S. and I put myself through Iowa State University after I was Honorably Discharged from the Air Force. Back then if a professor shot down Christianity he or she was roundly jumped on by the students and the school, but today you must either be liberal or all against Christianity or no degree. Things do change over time don’t they!


      • Gunter, I just “retired” from a 35 year career as a universith professor because I got all of the corruption, lying, obfuscation, blatant disregard for common human decency and outright violatons of law. The last thing I would recommend for a young person nowadays would ge a college “education.” It is all a sham–Marxism cleverly disguised by twisting and torturing the language. George Orwell was an optimist.


      • Gunter says:

        It just sounds like 1984 all over again. My biggest problem is attempting to locate a final job search after I have already spent over 35 years in business. The last situation cost me over a couple million dollars and that is why I need to make money/to live. My retirement funds went with that situation and I now find my children are going the way of the Orwellians.


    • Cogent1325 says:

      I also went to Iowa State University for my BS and MS. Are you from Ames originally? We may know each other.


      • Gunter says:

        I usually say, “I am a Dumb Iowa Farm Boy, but please for your sake don’t take me for one!” Most people have no idea what I am saying and really don’t klnow how to take me. I grew up near Walcott, Iowa on a farm and graduated from Davenport Central High School in the 60’s. I was in the Air Force for about 4 years and then went to Iowa State and figured if I flunked out I could always go to Parsons, until Parsons became
        “Maharasha U” and I could levitate for $3,000 per inch. Surpisinly i graduated and Merck & Co. Inc., hired me before I finished my Masters.


      • Cogent1325 says:

        Are you still at Merck? I had a similar experience. I was hired by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company out of Des Moines, IA before I finished my MS but I was able to to finish because my last semester was all research credits/no classes. I could work FT and finish my last semester and defend my thesis without any schedule conflicts.


  3. Cogent1325 says:

    oh and I’m a veteran too – prior to attending ISU I was in the Marine Corps.


    • Gunter says:

      In 1973 Merck said “100% of my time was to be spent on Merck business!” I sometimes wish I had completed the MS. If I had, I would be a lot smarter then I am, like you. On my 1st day of Merck Product Training in Rahway my wife walked into the room and I decided to marry her and asked her out. In downtown New York City I asked her to marry me and she actually said yes!? Now about 40 years later I’m glad she did, but still no MS and again seeking a job.


      • Cogent1325 says:

        Ha! If only a piece of paper could make one smarter… I’m glad I have it because it opened doors for me but I never claim to any special knowledge due to it. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put one in your fruit salad.

        I met my wife in Santiago, Chile. Met her through some friends I made while visiting in the first week I was there. It was love at first sight and we ended up spending the entire month together until I went back to the states. 4 months later I returned to Chile and got married in Santiago and brought her back to the US with me and we both went to school. Both graduated in 2012 from college (my MS and her BS) and now we had our first kid and first house and all that good stuff. Been married for 6 years compared to your 40. Very impressive.


  4. You guy’s conversation reminded me of my fellow Texian, the beloved old Bolshevick, Landslide Lyndon Johnson. His politics sucked but he could be a rather witty humorist at times. He once said, “Everytime I hear somebody say, ‘ahh, I ain’t nothin’ but just an old country boy,’ I automatically reach to see if my wallet is still there. lol


    • Gunter says:

      What is quite interesting is that Lyndon Baines Johnson offered me a “Presidential Appointment” to The U.S. Force Academy, but on the way I had to stop in Roswell, New Mexico. Ya know the place where those Martians landed. In Roswell I was tested by medical staffs and they found out two things to disqualify me: I was a Republican and I turned 21 years old, 2 months too early!
      So I said the heck with it and I became a “Disc Jockey with the Armed Forces Radio & Television Service” which was long for “AFRTS” however you want to define that term. I was sent to Turkey, Cypress, Vietnam on TDY and Libya, all fun places to be far from. I then decided to separate with an honorable discharge a few years later and back to being “A Dumb Iowa Farm Boy”, that term really helps with not getting tickets in New York City!


    • Gunter says:

      Heck, some people is yust too darn smart for there own good!


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