Vaccinated Friends

A Letter to My Vaccinated Friend

By James Kullander at

You texted me: “I miss my friend.” And I replied, “I miss you, too.” Aside from that, I don’t know what else to say to you because our paths, for the time being, have so greatly diverged.

I am torn. I love you for who you are. But I hate you for what you have done. You got the double jab. You were among the first. When you told me I said nothing. I suppose I was in shock. I couldn’t believe it. I know you did what you believed was right for you based on the knowledge that you had. But the way I see it, you allowed yourself to get swept up in an insidious, mass propaganda campaign, thereby contributing to the most crippling calamity that the world has ever faced. My point is a simple one: To accept the fraud merely legitimizes it, and you have done exactly that.

And here we are. The once unimaginable tyranny on our doorsteps that we have been savagely backed into is the measure of your willingness to be deceived. I cannot tell you how much it pains me to say that. But it’s time to call a spade a spade. My equanimity has worn thin. What happened to all the teachings about awakening and fearlessness that you and I have been distinctly privileged to receive? And that you supposedly embraced when it was much easier to do so than it is today, when our lives and our liberty are on the line. How is it that you caved so easily?

We’ve been friends for so long—something like 30 years—that I can hardly believe this is happening. I remember how we met as graduate students in the school library waiting in line to use the copy machine. We recognized each other from a class we were both taking, and which we both did not like. It felt good to commiserate with you about this. We became fast friends. We were never lovers nor did we want to be. Later, you said you looked to me as one of your brothers. I said that I looked to you as the sister I never had. Although I moved out of New York City, I remained close enough to visit for the day and sometimes we met for a lovely meal at a restaurant we liked as students.

Now, I feel betrayed, as if out of the blue you’ve gone to hang out with a gang of thugs I never liked: Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Government, Big Money. In terms of this so-called pandemic, they’re no good for you. They mostly do not—in spite of what they tell you—have your best interests in mind, will be there for you when you are in dire straits. Nothing could be further from the truth. You are consorting with the enemy. You have put your trust in them yet they lie and are accountable to nobody. And, as Thomas Paine once so wisely wrote in his book, The Rights of Man(for which the British Crown charged Paine with sedition) “a body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody, ought not to be trusted by anybody.”

I am as saddened as I am shocked. I live in a constant but quiet state of grief over the idea that I have lost you to them. Many days I just want to cry. Or scream when I think of how we may all soon be trapped in a surveillance dictatorship swooping over us like the black wings of the angel of death and from which there is, at this point, little chance of escape if things continue to go the way they are going.

And to think you believe you have just been granted freedom. Oh, the irony! This is the most sinister and far-reaching scheme of bait and switch ever played upon the human race. Now you will be offered a “passport” proving you’ve been “fully vaccinated” that will allow you to go places where the unwashed and unvaccinated heathens, like me, cannot go. Travel overseas. Restaurants. Concerts. Sporting events. This is likely only the beginning of a vast network of social controls we will all be subjected to in the days to come.

Have at it while the going’s good. Knock yourself out. Don’t worry, be happy! But the days when you and I were once able to share a lovely meal at that favorite restaurant of ours have for now come to an end. I hope you enjoy yourself watching me, from the safety of your sanitized perch at the bar, getting turned away at the door. And I won’t wave good-bye to the shadowy glimmer of you through the glass. But it is good-bye. For a time, at least.

I am writing to you now only because I feel I owe you an explanation for my silence—the lack of emails, phone calls, texts, postings and comments on Facebook. Somehow, I cannot “like” a Facebook photo of your beautiful sunset or your cute dog or your latest culinary masterpiece when what I see is nothing short of the equivalent of planets colliding, hurling out of orbit. The end of life as we know it. Or of life, period. Of yours. Of the millions of others who got the jab. Of mine, even though I’m doing everything I can to keep out of harm’s way from this noxious injection.

Despite the shots being touted as safe, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is co-managed by the CDC and the FDA, showed a total of 701,561 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 14,925 deaths and 91,523 serious injuries between December 14, 2020 and September 10, 2021.

VAERS is a passive reporting system in that it relies on health organizations to send in reports to the CDC and the FDA. While the reported numbers alone are staggering, a Harvard study claims that less than 10 percent of the actual deaths and injuries ever get reported to VAERS, which means the real numbers are likely to be much, much higher.

And let’s not forget to mention the psychological, emotional, economic, and sociological agony that’s wreaking havoc on millions of lives around the world. We’ve never seen anything like this anywhere nor has anything like this been so ignored (if not censored) by the mainstream media and major social media platforms.

All of this tragedy even though, on average, about 98.2 percent of known COVID-19 patients in the U.S. survive. The majority of those who succumb are usually very old who have multiple conditions, or comorbidities. One of those comorbidities is obesity. But no one dares speak its name. Even the CDC admits that nearly 80 percent of those who are hospitalized or die in the U.S. because of COVID-19 are overweight or obese.

You certainly won’t hear or read much about any of that in the mainstream media, however. When it comes to the most important and critical issues regarding COVID-19 and the so-called vaccines, it appears we no longer have a free, objective mainstream press of any sort. I find it frightening and heartbreaking that it has come to this. A democratic nation requires a free flow of any and all information in order to continue to call itself democratic. When open dialogue dies democracy dies with it. So, too, dies justice.

As you may recall, I lived and worked in China in the late 1980s and I know from firsthand experience how dictatorships silence any deviation from the government’s desired, dictatorial narrative. Simply put, first they make a mockery of it. Then they snuff it out. There is only one side to every story and that side is determined and promulgated by the heavy hand of the Chinese Communist Party, which rules the country with an iron fist. Lay that template over our social media and mainstream media—with their misinformation and conspiracy theory smears, widespread censorship, and de-platforming of alternative, honest voices—and perhaps you can get a glimpse into how this formula is playing out in what’s left of the free world now.

I stand with freedom. Freedom is more important than anything because nothing good and beautiful and true—the basic but priceless values that make human life worth living—can exist without freedom. And by defending freedom I am also defending life—mine, yours, everyone’s. Because without freedom everyone dies in countless ways—if not physically then spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually as our liberties are increasingly squashed by powers we can barely fathom, no less see. As the Republican army (which fought against Franco and the fascists in the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s) once so famously coined, “It is better to die on one’s feet than to live on one’s knees.” It is not in my blood—or the blood of other defenders of freedom—to kneel before despots.

This is war. And this war began, as all wars begin, with the only one real goal in mind: control. Land, mineral resources, money—these are mere baubles on the chains with which the few of the rich and powerful running—or should I say ruining—this world have always sought to enslave the rest of us.

A planet of nearly 8 billion souls—most of whom just want a living wage, respect, and love—are caught up in a vast, elaborate, perhaps irreversible totalitarian campaign of mind control. A campaign that started out as a shock-and-awe maneuver—scare headlines and staged video footage and photos of packed emergency rooms, people dead on the street, refrigeration trucks overflowing with body bags—and that has now settled into a daily fusillade of coronavirus cases and deaths and threats of new variants, all of it exaggerated or entirely fabricated to keep those fires of fear well-stoked.

A campaign whose tactics are not only irrational terror, but also systematic degradation, disorder, and disintegration, thereby creating a world in which the great coronavirus scare and its casualties are but a mere scratch compared to the upheavals that are on the way, unless we stop them. And we can begin by simply becoming courageous enough to refuse to comply with the needless and so far endless controls imposed upon us for our supposed safety and well-being, because what’s on the actual agenda is our annihilation.

My friend, I pray that we all live long enough to see a new day when the waking nightmare we’re all ensnared in now will be behind us. A day when the sun, revealer of truth and keeper of wisdom, will break through and shine down from a cloudless, splendid sky. And, giddy and blinking back the light and clothed in truth, we will break free from the fetters of fear, look at everyone all around us, reach out, shake hands, and say to them, “Peace be with you.” And they say to us, “And also with you.”

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‘Justice for J6 Rally’: A Set-Up or a Psy-Op?

Written by Ron Paul


A few dozen protesters showed up to last weekend’s “Justice for J6” rally in Washington DC, but that did not stop the authoritarian Washington Beltway establishment from spending millions to again turn the area into a fortress, complete with a militarized Capitol Hill Police force and an army of undercover FBI agents. The protesters were easily outnumbered by reporters desperate for another “insurrection” story and by police officers who looked like they were ready for military combat.

Of the reported four people arrested at the event, one turned out to be an undercover FBI agent who was then escorted to “safety” by police after showing his badge. As conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza Tweeted, the comedy of the event was that “there were so many undercover cops they were arresting each other by accident.”

Earlier, former President Trump warned that the rally was a set-up by an FBI, Homeland Security Department, and Capitol Hill Police Department eager for more trophies in their war against “insurrectionists.” He advised people to avoid the event and it appears their advice was taken.

They did not get their “Second Insurrection.” In fact, as we know from the FBI itself, they did not even get their First Insurrection. Though the Left elites continue to use that term, the FBI affirmed last month that there was no organized plan among the January 6th protesters to overturn the presidential election.

The media’s non-stop hysterical reporting about the January 6th “insurrection” – repeated endlessly by Democratic Party politicians – did serve an important propaganda purpose: anyone with concerns about the way the 2020 presidential election was conducted was immediately demonized and silenced.

But to me it seems a little too obvious that Biden backers and their allies in the deep state would hold a fake rally just to set-up more “insurrectionists” to be arrested. It’s possible that they believe conservatives and Trump supporters are dumb enough to walk into a trap – or perhaps another trap – but I find it unconvincing.

Instead, perhaps this rally was in reality a kind of psychological operation. After all, such an exercise would be a win-win for the planners. On one hand if a massive crowd showed up it would give new life to the now-discredited narrative that an attack on “our democracy” more serious than 9/11 (as President Biden laughably claimed) was operating just below the surface of society.

Authoritarians must be able to point to “the enemy” to consolidate their power.

On the other hand, if no one showed up, as it turns out happened, the real organizers could laugh and crow about how support has evaporated for the hundreds originally arrested after January 6th (many still held without bail, but none charged with “insurrection”). And also, they can claim that support for Donald Trump, who for some reason continues to mortally terrify them, has likewise disappeared.

Maybe that’s just a crazy conspiracy theory, but then again anyone claiming just a few weeks ago that Biden would implement a vaccine mandate was also considered a crazy conspiracy theorist.

This failed rally is a success for Team Biden on one front: very few would now dare to hold a rally calling attention to the shocking injustice that continues to stain the prosecution of so many January 6th protesters. But we must not let enemies of justice win. All liberty lovers must speak out for the unfairly persecuted. Even when it’s politically risky. We must not be silent!

Copyright © 2021 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.
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Twilight’s Last Gleaming

By Andrew P. Napolitano

Shop all books by Judge Napolitano

“This is not about freedom or personal choice.”
— President Joseph R. Biden, Sept. 9, 2021

It was scandalous and infuriating to hear President Joseph R. Biden argue last week that his so-called vaccine mandates somehow have nothing to do with freedom or personal choice. In saying that, he has rejected our history, our values and the Constitution he swore to uphold.

He made his ignorant statement while outlining his plan to have the Department of Labor issue emergency regulations requiring every employer in America of 100 or more persons to compel all its employees to receive a vaccine against COVID-19, or the employer will be fined.

He claims the authority to issue these orders under the 1970 Occupational Safety and Health Act, or OSHA. Though it has been around for 51 years, OSHA is profoundly unconstitutional, as it purports to authorize federal bureaucrats to regulate private workplace property unavailable to the public.

Congress enacted this legislation relying on its Commerce Clause power in the Constitution. But the Commerce Clause — according to James Madison, who wrote it — only empowers Congress to keep commerce regular; it does not empower Congress to regulate the conditions of production of goods and services intended for commerce.

However, notwithstanding the plain language of the Commerce Clause — “Congress shall have power … to regulate Commerce … among the several States” — the Supreme Court, since the era of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, has given Congress a blank check authorizing it to regulate anything that affects commerce. Congress has used this clause to justify its vast expansions of federal power more than it has used any other clause in the Constitution.

Nevertheless, there is no authority for federal workplace regulation in the Constitution, as it was reserved to the states by the 10th Amendment. That amendment declares that the states kept for themselves that which they did not delegate to the feds.

OSHA has regulated everything from the number of legs on a swivel chair to the brightness of lightbulbs to the number of lobsters that may commercially be drawn from the sea. And the states have supinely accepted those regulations.

It is no surprise that the president, wanting to tell people how to live, would look to OSHA to accomplish his goals. Unfortunately for Biden, the Supreme Court has ruled in Roe v. Wade and elsewhere that personal medical privacy and — with respect to declining medications — absolute bodily autonomy trump governmental interests.

Of course, Biden has ignorantly praised Roe, not for its protection of the inviolability of the human body, but for its wretched authorization of abortion. Roe’s failure to recognize fetal personhood is its catastrophic flaw.

Yet, even a stopped clock is correct twice a day. And on this point — you, not the government, control your body — Roe is correct. Professor Murray N. Rothbard has demonstrated conclusively that we each own our bodies. It follows from this that we each can determine what goes into our bodies.

And the Ninth Amendment underscores that we have many personal rights not enumerated in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights and the government is required to respect them. After the right to live, ownership and control of your own body are foremost among those unenumerated rights.

The president, like all of us, is subject to the laws of nature and is obliged to recognize the natural law. It posits that our rights come from our humanity, and not from the government. It was with the natural law in mind that Madison authored the Ninth Amendment and its protection of unenumerated rights.

If self-ownership is not among those rights, then nothing is. If the government owns our bodies, or somehow can trump our personal ownership of them, then we have no rights.

Every state permits a sick person to reject medication. Biden not only rejects that right, but he rejects the right of healthy persons to decline an experimental vaccine.

What’s going on here?

Freedom in America has been milked dry by Leviathan since the Woodrow Wilson years. Leviathan is a continually growing government that recognizes no limitations on its own power. OSHA is but one of hundreds of examples of the do-gooder, nanny-state federal government that has assumed for itself — from nowhere but our complacency — the power to tell us how to live.

Government is essentially the negation of liberty. Liberty is the default position because we are born with our rights. Some liberty should be negated, like the liberty to harm another’s person and property. It should be negated from all — including the government. Government is a thief in the night when it takes — rather than protects — liberty or property.

Does the government work for us, or do we work for the government?

Such a question would have been laughable 100 years ago. But today, the government treats us as if we work for it because we have permitted it to do so. We supinely let the federal government right any wrong, regulate any behavior, tax any event, start any war, kill any foe, seize any property and crush any liberty as if our rights came from it, and as if the Constitution had no meaning or authority.

This is the same government that can’t deliver the mail, fill potholes, stop robocalls, spend within its means, abide by the laws that it has written or follow the Constitution — and Biden wants it to force vaccinate us!

All modern presidents have misunderstood their obligations under the Constitution. From Wilson to Biden, they have argued that their first job is to keep us safe. That obligation is self-assumed. Their first job under the Constitution is to keep us free. Even if the government keeps us safe but unfree, we have the duty to alter or abolish it. The alternative is the twilight of freedom and the coming age of voluntary servitude.

Reprinted with the author’s permission.

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In Warren v. District of Columbia the court ruled, and the Supreme Court upheld, that “(T)he desire for condemnation cannot satisfy the need for a special relationship out of which a duty to specify persons arises.” Because the complaint did not allege a relationship “beyond that found in general police responses to crimes,” the court affirmed the dismissal of the complaint for failure to state a claim.

The bottom line is that your local police are not legally obligated to protect you, the average citizen. In addition to the Warren case, there are hundreds of court rulings which state that cops are not legally responsible for protecting individual citizens. For example, see Zelig v. County of Los Angeles.

The government can’t protect you as you saw on September 11, 2001 as well as during the Washington, DC area “sniper” rampage and the plethora of active shooter events that we have had since.

In fact, the government could very well be our greatest fear, due to its propensity to murder people because of their ideas (See Ruby Ridge, ID and Waco, TX).

A simple internet or search of “the police state” or “police brutality” will reveal literally thousands of violent crimes (from assault to cold blooded murder) committed by the State’s costumed emissaries of officially sanctioned violence (aka The Police State) against harmless and innocent people.

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Death Jab

The US Military’s Death Jab Demise

By Joachim Hagopian 31-39 minutes

In August 10th, 2021, the Associated Press announced that the Pentagon would require all US military personnel to be vaccinated by September 15th, 2021. The AP article specified:

In memos distributed to all troops, top Pentagon leader said the vaccine is a necessary step to maintain military readiness.

Yeah, readiness to die at any time to allow the ruling elite to render America’s defense forces incapable of protecting their nation from enemies both foreign and domestic, in what amounts to a Satanic shakedown takedown of the world’s most powerful nation.

Under the existing regulations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), every soldier is subject to forced vaccination:

Unit personnel will only use the amount of force necessary to assist medical personnel in administering the immunization.

Military commanders throughout the US armed services have been ordered to coerce any remaining members in their units still unvaccinated to either receive the mandated Pfizer jab within the next week or face the serious consequences of disobeying a direct lawful order, which can be punishment of a dishonorable discharge as well as incarceration in a military brig. This comes just days after a September 2nd article contradicts the mid-September deadline, reporting that US Navy and Marine Corps personnel are offered a three-month window to comply:

Sailors and Marines now have 90 days to get vaccinated against COVID-19 or risk disobeying a lawful order, a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the maritime branches’ top leaders said in a series ofmessagesreleased Tuesday and Wednesday.

A new organizational body within the US Navy called COVID Consolidated Disposition Authority has been formed to deal with those sailors still refusing shots after 90 days. The US Marine Corps specifies that any holdout’s Marine commander will decide the fate of Marines failing to follow a direct lawful order. The article mentions that thus far, only one member in the armed forces has been forced out of the military for violating Covid-related rules. In late July 2021, a Marine corporal was given a general discharge after she refused to wear a mask and accept the vaccine. As of the end of August, 85% of Naval personnel and 64% of Marine Corps personnel are fully vaccinated.

Former Navy surgeon and respected, outspoken Dr. Lee Merritt has noted that during all of 2020 there were only 20 Covid-19 deaths from US military servicemen and women. But recently addressing the much maligned and censored Frontline Doctors, with upwards of two-thirds of armed forces personnel fully vaccinated, Dr. Merritt disclosed that over 80 cases of heart inflammation (myocarditis) and tumors were reportedly already on the rise. Statistically, two out of three diagnosed myocarditis patients will be dead within five years. Dr. Merritt asserts that already so far:

With the vaccine program we’ve ostensibly killed more of our young active duty people than COVID did.

And with the vaccine mandate being enforced by September 15th, it’s only going to grow far, far worse. With all the clear and present known dangers of death and severe life-threatening, permanent adverse injuries resulting from the death jab, the US military will be dead or so medically harmed and decimated in coming months and years, it will ultimately render our nation’s defense forces too incapacitated to protect the United States of America. The ruling elite controlling the puppet strings of America’s so-called leaders are premeditatedly destroying America. The globalists and their minions like Joe Biden, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and all the Joint Chiefs of Staff generals and admirals going along to get along with this genocidal agenda are all alleged unprosecuted murderers and traitors. Not only must they be forced to resign, they all need to be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law for their egregious crimes against humanity and our nation’s military. Tragically, this would not be the first time that the US civilian and military leadership have murdered and permanently injured our soldiers as human guinea pig victims of untested, experimental vaccines gone awry. Estimates of the death toll from the anthrax vaccine indicate 35,000 soldiers were murdered with what was initially referred to as the Gulf War Syndrome. The criminals must be stopped.

Meanwhile in recent weeks in Afghanistan, the installed puppet President Biden officially surrendered to the Taliban, gifting the US enemy for the last 20 years up to $85 billion worth of modern US armaments as well as the name and address of the remaining 10-15 thousand Americans and thousands more Afghan allies still trapped. Biden cowardly abandoned his own citizens, making the enemy’s mop up job killing Americans and allies that much easier. In the face of this this deepening national disgrace, leaving vulnerable helpless Americans and allies behind enemy lines, an Islamic State suicide bomber sent into the crowd outside a Kabul airport checkpoint, slaughtering nearly 200 Afghans, including a dozen US Marines and one Navy Corpsman, marking the most casualties in the war-ravaged nation in a decade. In a speech after the deadly attack, the doddering, incompetent imposter puppet trying to act tough, threatened to “hunt down” the terrorists. Sounding eerily reminiscent of former President Obama repeatedly uttering those exact same words each time terrorists murdered Americans on traitor Obama’s watch as the ISIS founder and financier. No wonder Biden’s empty rhetorical words sounded so familiar, often it’s been said that Obama is still feeding word-for-word instructions into the earpiece of his senile former VP, who, in a rare, candid moment a year ago, Obama referred to the then Democratic nominee as a “fuckup.”

In the same way the recently turned 60-year old Obama is blamed for birthing the world’s largest terrorist organization ISIS, Obama’s December 2014 decision to end the combat mission in Afghanistan enabled the Taliban to rebuild and takeover. On top of that, by the end of his first term in office, the Manchurian president Barack Hussein Obama had already purged nearly 200 top generals and admirals loyal to oaths they were sworn to constitutionally protect, leaving rogue generals like Mark Milley to become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, responsible for institutionalizing America’s woke armed forces as well as the “unforeseen” disaster in Afghanistan. Calls for Biden, Harris, Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to resign are growing louder by the day. In fact, nearly 90 retired generals and admirals wrote and signed a letter demanding the resignations of Austin and Milley:

If they did not do everything within their authority to stop the hasty withdrawal, they should resign. Conversely, if they did do everything within their ability to persuade the Commander-in-Chief/President to not hastily exit the country without ensuring the safety of our citizens and Afghans loyal to America, then they should have resigned in protest as a matter of conscience and public statement… The damage to the reputation of the United States is indescribable. We are now seen, and will be seen for many years, as an unreliable partner in any multinational agreement or operation. Trust in the United States is irreparably damaged.

The retired flag officers allude to US enemies being “emboldened to move against America due to the weakness displayed in Afghanistan.” Additionally, a chorus of Republicans in Congress have also demanded Biden either resign or face impeachment. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) promptly drafted articles of impeachment filed on August 20th.

In the meantime, General Milley absolves himself and his Joint Chiefs by blaming his boss Joe Biden for the failed Afghanistan nightmare.

Under Taliban rule prior to the US October 2001 invasion, the opium trade in Afghanistan had been virtually stamped out, but within a year of US military occupation, as the world’s leading opium producer of heroin, the war in Afghanistan in large part continued because the US military assigned to guarding the bumper crop opium fields was a boom for the global crime cabal’s black budget to thrive, financing nefarious illicit activities at the expense of thousands around the world dying from heroin-opioid drug overdose. But since when did the planetary rulers ever lose sleep over murdering millions from either war, drugs or war on drugs – never!

In 2013 it was the US installed Afghanistan government, not the Taliban, that controlled 90% of the countryside. A retired general currently running for the US Senate in New Hampshire, former US Special Operations Commander Brig. Gen. Don Bolduc who served ten tours in Afghanistan, in a recent tweet squarely blamed Barack Obama for the current Afghanistan disaster:

Why has former President Obama stayed silent throughout these last few days? Because along with the Biden Administration, he shares the blame for the #AfghanistanCrisis. The Taliban even said, ‘We can’t fight against this, we can’t win against this’ [This being the 100,000 US troops fighting Taliban]. Al Qaeda was saying the same thing. So what did we do? In 2014, O’Biden said, ‘We are going to change strategy and come out of villages and end combat ops.’ And our senior military officials accepted that.

Among those acquiescent “senior military officials” was my freshman roommate at West Point, the coalition US force commander turned 2009 Obama appointed Ambassador in Kabul Karl Eikenberry. After “Eik’s (as we called him) successor, another West Pointer named General Stanley McChrystal clashing with the Ambassador, wanting another 40,000 boots on the ground, is speculated to have secretly leaked a couple of Eik’s not so confidential cables to the press, where Amb. Eikenberry expressed reluctance to invest more troops due to lack of trust towards the notoriously corrupt Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and, as a result, the outed and compromised Karl’s ambassadorship career was abruptly cut short after two years. These days Eikenberry is serving as senior US advisor to Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Defense alongside my other freshman roommate, current US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, retired four-star CentCom Commander General John Abizaid. While my roomies went straight to the top as two Council on Foreign Relations generals turned ambassadors, my career path took a completely opposite turn, exposing US Empire and the CFR on my blogsite called

As a journalist and author, I’ve been critical of the world’s sole superpower America, long misused by the globalists, currently running our once constitutional republic straight into the ground. This presentation will touch on America’s longest running war in history – two decades of wasted life and money in yet another disastrous US war loss, by elitist design. The US hasn’t won a war since World War II. The globalists have been misusing the US military as a war machine and battering ram wrecking ball, to destabilize, subjugate and slaughter Third World peoples while sacrificing idealistic, young American patriots in virtual nonstop bankers’ wars for 227 out of the 245 years that the United States has been a nation, that’s 93% of the time.

The fall of Saigon has recently drawn recent parallel with the fall of Kabul, except compared to the Afghanistan debacle, the 1975 crisis representing America’s hasty withdrawal defeat was run like a well-oiled machine, though scrambled rooftop rescue also brought US humiliation before the world. But thousands of Americans were not left behind as road kill for the victorious enemy like in Afghanistan. This article’s other focus will examine the United States’ present and future combat readiness, or lack thereof, in meeting the rapidly approaching challenges from both hostile enemies as well as distancing allies no longer confident they can trust the failing superpower. Examining reasons why the US is so fragilely ill-equipped to handle what is to come is geopolitically analyzed in depth.

CNN and leftist news media have done a 180 on Biden, though even this was mapped out in advance as installing a man suffering from dementia was the planned setup for Communist Kabala Harris as the next CCP puppet pretending to be president. And if that doesn’t fly, mafia CCP darling Nancy Pelosi will do the trick. The issue of the 25th Amendment, replacing a sitting president for lacking mental capacity to run the nation, is the growing elephant inside the Oval Office.

Freaking out over all the criticism and pushback from the Afghanistan debacle, the Biden administration in frantic damage control mode suddenly pulled all public audits and reports from all government websites displaying the record inventories and aid audits of all US military equipment and training allocated to the Kabul government from 2001 to the present that now is under Taliban control, an incredible $82.9 billion worth. The Biden fools trying to desperately cover their tracks to avoid further humiliation and consequences, recently scrubbed all the websites, but of course because the records had been made available to the public for years, they were already public domain material, and the desperados only appear more incompetent and frenzied to avoid forced removal from office. From a saved short list of military hardware gifted to the enemy:

208 aircraft and helicopters; 75,000 war vehicles – including 22 Humvees, 50,000 tactical vehicles and nearly 1,000 mine resistant vehicles; and 600,000 weapons – including 350,000 M4 and M16 rifles, 60,000 machine guns, and 25,000 grenade launchers.

When the State Department was asked about the reason for hiding records that were already known, again the excuse used shows shortsighted, complete lack of sound judgment in its flimsy, naked lie. After abandoning tens of thousands of Afghan government allies that are no doubt being tortured and executed by the Taliban, the Biden administration claims that the information was removed from the internet in order to protect the safety of the Afghan citizens. That is such insulting bullshit, once again stabbing in the back Afghans who worked with Americans as part of the US puppet government. To make matters even worse is the fact that Biden had already given to the Taliban all the identities and addresses of the Americans and Afghan citizens that needed to be allowed to leave the country, ensuring that they will all be murdered if they weren’t fortunate enough to scramble and make it out of the country by August 31st. We’re talking tens of thousands of people that Biden & company inhumanely threw to the lions.

By mid-August 2021 the Taliban fighters had already seized posted photos of $6 million worth of Black Hawk helicopters. By the end of the month US departure, the Pentagon maintained that only an estimated 48 aircraft were left behind that were still usable, and that 73 aircraft had been destroyed along with 70-mine-reistant armored patrol (MRAP) vehicles, 27 Humvees and a C-RAM missile defense system. That said, a September 2, 2021 article in The Sun, estimates an enormous arsenal of weapons fell into Taliban hands, quick to pose in photos and videos gloating over their made in USA spoils of war gifts:

22,174 Humvees, 634 M1117s armoured cars, 115 Maxx Pros trucks, and 549,118 machine guns, assault rifles and pistols were given over by the US. Some 33 Black Hawk helicopters, 23 Super Tucano fighter planes and 4 C-130 transport planes were also given to the Afghan Air Force. Other support gear was also given over, with some 16,035 pairs of night vision googles, 162,043 radios and some 8,000 trucks.

Military veteran and current Congressman Jim Banks (R-IN) explained:

The Taliban now has more Black Hawk helicopters than 85% of the countries in the world. But it’s not just weapons. They have night vision goggles, body armor, and unbelievably, the Taliban how has biometric devices which have the fingerprints, eye scans, and biographical information of all the Afghans who helped us and were on our side over the past 20 years. There is no plan by the administration to get these weapons back. There is no plan to account for any of this equipment or these weapons… If any of these weapons or this military equipment is used to harm, injure, or kill an American now or at any time in the future, the blood is on Joe Biden’s hands.

Large US weapons cache and war materials falling into enemy hands is anything but new, for decades it’s been standard practice in every designed to fail US war. In 2013 a clandestine CIA shipment of arms headed to Saudi Arabia was somehow waylaid, ending up in terrorist hands used to kill Americans… over and over and over again. Recall also in June 2014 when ISIS invaded northern Iraq, all those US vehicles and arms deserted by Iraqi troops went to the enemy and then again in 2015 Ramadi after Iraqi soldiers again abandoned their post, ISIS grabbed American arms. As recently as February 2019 US arms deals with both Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates were reported to have weapons ending up with al Qaeda linked groups and Iran backed Houthi rebels in the Yemen War. Some of these so-called blundering faux paus may have actually been intended for Islamic State terrorists since the US-Israeli-Saudi axis-of-evil after creating ISIS also have been secretly funding them.

The Biden government including the Joint Chiefs of Staff as America’s top military leadership need to be held accountable for their gross dereliction of duty allowing so many innocent Americans as well as Afghans die at the unmerciful hands of a terrorist enemy. Apparently not one of the US top military brass challenged or strongly opposed Biden’s half-assed, lame, meant to fail plan of leaving Afghanistan. The American people are owed a full explanation of what went wrong. Were Biden’s military chiefs misadvising him? Or was Biden acting alone while exhibiting impaired mental capacity? If that was the case, the Chiefs of Staff should have attempted to enact the 25th Amendment or at least shown their opposition by submitting their resignations. They did neither, which means they collusively went along to get along with a dangerously flawed mission that was certain to fail, which indicates their grossly impaired judgment warrants their immediate dismissal or resignation.

Every single one of the generals should resign immediately and on top of that be subject to criminal investigation and prosecution. Obviously, the public has every right to know why the imposter president and his disgracefully incompetent staff left Americans and Afghan friends behind to die and all need to be held fully accountable. Further, why was Bagram Air Base abandoned by early July and never utilized as America’s secured launchpad for protected safe evacuation? In April 2021 “a decision was made” by Biden and company to settle on the August 31st pullout date. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley denies they agreed with Biden’s plan, but then that may well be “cover your ass” desperation.

By mid-August when disaster was eminent, the old CYA blame game was in overdrive. It was reported that Biden had refused to adhere to recommendations from his Joint Chiefs of Staff that a minimum of 2,500 US troops should be retained in Afghanistan to assist the evacuation operation. The armed presence would purportedly have offered the US a stronger vantage point negotiating a less harried, chaotic exit strategy with the Taliban. But that’s seems just the flimsy excuse held up with hindsight for blame-shifting and gross failure to accept responsibility that’s become so emblematic for both top military as well as civilian chain of command turpitude. In view of what has subsequently transpired, Biden and team’s exit strategy is unconscionable, indicating the Joint Chiefs are cowards for not owning responsibility and the White House imposter is either mentally incapacitated or the puppet is simply following his globalist masters’ orders to intentionally botch the withdrawal as part of his useful idiot role in undermining and destroying America. But the nightmare turns even worse. On September 5th it emerges that six chartered flights carrying Americans and Afghan allies are being held hostage on the Kabul airport runway. The impotent White House claims that it no longer has resources in Afghanistan to do anything, in effect, washing its blood-soaked hands even bloodier.

As if that’s not tragically shameful enough, on July 23, 2021 Biden told the now deposed Afghan President Ashraf Ghani:

I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban. And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.

Essentially, Biden pressured the leader of Afghanistan to lie, painting a false picture that all is well when the entire world knew better. In response to the dire situation on the ground, with the Taliban military fast closing in on Kabul, the CIA managed to move all its personnel and operations out. So why was this imposter-in-chief and all his befuddled chiefs not adequately doing the same. To abandon Bagram and be limited to Kabul as the one exit route out was the downfall. But the reason seems all too obvious, the puppet masters holding these puppet strings had planned on this catastrophic failure far in advance, as one more nail in America’s coffin as a defeated, washed up empire, humiliatingly allowing thousands abandoned to die and the terrorists ready-equipped to expand the next terrorist war with US war spoils, some of which was already spotted being shipped to ally Iran.

Recall that Trump was impeached for a phone call made to the Ukraine leader requesting he look further into the scandalous cover-up of Biden crime family influence securing the cushy multimillion-dollar job as payoff for VP Biden’s underachieving, drug addicted pedophile son Hunter. Yet it’s Joe Biden as the illegit imposter still occupying the White House as America goes down in flames.

For a clearer historical perspective, former CIA intelligence officer and respected geopolitical commentator Philip Giraldi wrote in an August 24th article:

Regarding the current crisis, former FBI special agent and 9/11 whistleblower Coleen Rowley cited Richard W. Behan who mused over ‘How perverse we have become. We chastise President Biden for a messy ending of the war in Afghanistan and fail to indict George Bush for its illegal beginning.’ She then observed, in her own words on Facebook, ‘So Rehabilitated War Criminal Bush can maintain his legacy as stalwart statesman as he cutely dances with Ellen DeGeneres and Michelle Obama on television screens. Washington is just a big fact-free political show where the blame game winners are the best manipulators.’

Why the United States appears so weak and defeated to the rest of the world has everything to do with controllers behind the Marxist left, their Democratic Party, their installed president and the woke US military leadership. While Biden “trusted” the Taliban militants to provide airport security permitting an ISIS-K suicide bomber to slip through the checkpoint to kill almost 200 victims, including 13 American soldiers, the highest-ranking sergeant major in today’s Army Michael Grinston that same day was too busy celebrating diversity within his woke ranks for Women’s Equality Day. Political Correctness ensures our “tough” US fighting force has its token quota of every nonbinary rep from the LGBTQ crowd – lesbians, transsexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals and women all in the name of inclusivity, fighting alongside socially engineered emasculated men, waving their rainbow warrior flag on the frontline, proudly beaming diversity and correctness to the whole wide world. Yet real Americans are not proud.

This inclusive US military has come so far with its diversity training from the days a few years ago when I was writing extensively about the major crisis of rape and sexual violence rocking the US military. Forget winning the war, defeating the enemy and defending the lost Republic of America. The fact is that PC optics show LGBTQ diversity to be the ultra-important priority over winning wars or rescuing Americans and allies abandoned to die in the latest lost war. The elites’ social engineering amongst the US military is alive and painfully unwell, exposing how low our image has sunk with the woke US fighting force a humiliating disgraceful joke to the entire rest of the world.

In late May 2021 US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin emphatically denied that the US war machine’s gone “soft” after Texas Senator Ted Cruz responded to a US recruiting ad in comparison with a Russian ad, concluding that the US military has become “woke” and “emasculated.” Attempting to appeal and entice the young woke generation taught critical race theory and Political Correctness as a sacred way of life, the animated military infomercial panders to woke sensibilities of young, impressionable Americans. Rather than address the senator’s legitimate concerns, Cruz was attacked online by “Democrats, neocons and Russiagate promoters” for “spreading Russian propaganda.” Cruz in turn shot back against the criticism accusing Democrats and the “woke media” of trying to turn:

The greatest military on earth into pansies.

The befuddled retired four-star General Austin told the press that the politician’s “talking points” could easily be “capitalized on” by US adversaries Russia and China, though assuring:

I will not lose one minute of sleep about what the Chinese leadership is saying or what Vladimir Putin is saying.

As a West Point junior in 1971, I was our “woke-minded” Secretary of Defense’s assistant squad leader when he was a lowly “beanhead,” as freshmen at the US Military Academy are insultingly labeled. But rather than treat first year cadets as subhuman, I refused to follow the ridiculous demeaning tradition of hazing the newcomers, knowing that good sound leadership is not developed or predicated by instilling robotlike behavior spouting off insignificant bullshit as part of West Point’s disciplinary system. But for the last 219 years, so goes the logic, to be a good leader, one must first learn to be a good follower. Never quite bought into that school.

To refute Lloyd Austin’s smug dismissal that the US fighting force is anything but soft, an official report released in July 2021 completed by two retired admirals for Republican members of Congress looked into combat fitness of the US Navy after a ship fire aboard a naval vessel in the San Diego port and two destroyer collisions in the Pacific in 2017. The politicians are concerned about “larger institutional issues that are degrading the performance of the entire naval surface force,” and thus requested a critical appraisal. According to The Wall Street Journal:

The United States Navy is an ‘institution adrift,’ is not prepared for war, and is struggling through a ‘crisis’ of woke leadership. [Boldface for Emphasis]

Exactly the opposite of woke Lloyd Austin as the grand leader of the US military and in charge of defense for the United States. One of the officers who authored the July report, retired Rear Admiral Mark Montgomery told Fox News:

The focus on warfighting needs to be job one.

Clearly the fact that it isn’t, explains the lame Defense Secretary and Joint Chiefs of Staff generals and admirals poorly advising imposter Biden and their disgraceful debacle they left in Afghanistan, soundly defeated by the “unwoke” Taliban.

So, it’s no wonder that PC pressure on diversity and inclusiveness as the military’s #1 priority has shortchanged America’s capacity to effectively defend our nation and engage in successful combat operations. The leadership has gone soft in its wokefulness to appear politically correct, the weaponized excuse to destroy First Amendment rights in America. Losing sight of the military’s basic mission to always be fit at any moment for optimal combat readiness and immediate deployment potentially anywhere in the world, one “recently retired senior enlisted leader” lamented:

I guarantee you every unit in the Navy is up to speed on their diversity training. I’m sorry that I can’t say the same of their ship-handling training.

A naval lieutenant on active duty reported:

Sometimes I think we care more about whether we have enough diversity officers than if we’ll survive a fight with the Chinese navy.

This telling statement is this junior officer’s impression based on what he’s observed directly from his senior leadership officer corps. The sad and tragic reality is that those atop the US taking their marching orders from their globalist puppet masters are participating in the ruling elite’s premeditated controlled demolition of America.

From the Daily Wire:

The report added that the Navy does not spend enough time or money on training its surface warfare officers, leaving its war rooms ‘ill-prepared.’ The Navy’s deployments are too long, the report noted, risking efficiency, and commanding officers are trained to be ‘risk-averse,’ because of a culture of ‘brutal accountability’ for administrative decisions.

Again, as a West Point graduate and former Army officer decades earlier, I can attest to this same exact culture that elevates the bureaucratic-politician general, epitomized by former CIA director-four-star General David Petraeus from the West Point Class of 1974 one year behind me. Rather than encourage and reward dynamic leadership that transcends the inter-bred cultural mantra demanding that officers “cover their ass” in a ticket punching process, a general rises up the seniority ladder by strategically playing the politics game ingratiating superiors that promote likeminded sociopaths into their club.

These weak bureaucratic, pencil pushing sociopaths at the top of the military in the United States are weak, incompetent and operating without a moral compass. It took one brave Marine Corps Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller to go public on video calling the Secretary of Defense and his Chiefs of Staff out:

Potentially all those people did die in vain [in Afghanistan]. We don’t have senior leaders that own up and raise their hand and say, ‘We did not do this well in the end.’ Without that we just keep repeating the same mistakes, this amalgamation of the economics/corporate/political/higher military ranks, are not holding up their end of the bargain. I want to say this very strongly. I have been fighting for 17 years, I am willing to throw it all away to say to my senior leaders, I demand accountability.

We the People also demand accountability. Out of moral principle, Lt. Col. Stuart made the commitment to forego his 3 year away pension to submit his resignation in public protest and utter disgust towards America’s military leadership for not owning up to their gross incompetence and betrayal. Unavoidable consequences from this total disaster of another humiliating US defeat and inexcusable abandonment of the government estimated 100-200 Americans still stranded inside the enemy controlled nation, will be felt for years. In actuality, the number of sacrificed Americans left behind is undoubtedly far greater. When recently asked by a reporter if the US has “the capability to go out and collect Americans,” Lloyd Austin’s response was:

We don’t have the capability to go out and collect up large numbers of people.

The current illegitimate Biden puppet regime has clearly demonstrated its destructive treasonous takedown of America long enough. Our so-called “near death experience” has been allowed to go on too long. “Trust the [Q] plan, bro” propagated by the pied pipers of “hope porn” has also grown old and cold, pacifying the hopium addicts to sit back with popcorn to enjoy the show. Arizona’s delayed audit results from the rigged presidential election need to be released along with other states to definitively show the conspired treason resulting in the traitors publicly arrested immediately. For many years the so-called sealed and unsealed indictments and preeminent roundup of arrests have yet to be confirmed. With the US “allowed” to flounder under puppet Biden for the last eight painful months in front of the entire world, and US enemies ready to take full advantage of America’s growing instability and weakness, transition to a new US government restoring the actual winner of the November 2020 election needs to occur now. When it doesn’t happen, lots of overwrought, misguided believers will be joining the rest of the world population all in deep shit.

In real time the dire fate of humanity has reached the precipice point of no return as the converging perfect storm rapidly, irreversibly is currently descending upon us at blinding speed. The eminent global economic collapse, the inevitable US dollar collapse, inevitable kinetic wars like China invading Taiwan, the devastating, alarming destruction of America’s defense forces from the death jab, and even more disturbing, the millions of civilian biowarfare victims of the crime cabal’s long planned genocide, the world appears to be plunging into unavoidable total chaos and violent implosion towards totalitarian one world government tyranny as Lucifer’s false savior. With so much on the line – the very survival of the human race – we are in the fight for our lives between good and evil.

military personnel to be vaccinated by September 15th, 2021. The AP article specified:

In memos distributed to all troops, top Pentagon leader said the vaccine is a necessary step to maintain military readiness.

Yeah, readiness to die at any time to allow the ruling elite to render America’s defense forces incapable of protecting their nation from enemies both foreign and domestic, in what amounts to a Satanic shakedown takedown of the world’s most powerful nation.

Under the existing regulations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), every soldier is subject to forced vaccination:

Unit personnel will only use the amount of force necessary to assist medical personnel in administering the immunization.

Military commanders throughout the US armed services have been ordered to coerce any remaining members in their units still unvaccinated to either receive the mandated Pfizer jab within the next week or face the serious consequences of disobeying a direct lawful order, which can be punishment of a dishonorable discharge as well as incarceration in a military brig. This comes just days after a September 2nd article contradicts the mid-September deadline, reporting that US Navy and Marine Corps personnel are offered a three-month window to comply:

Sailors and Marines now have 90 days to get vaccinated against COVID-19 or risk disobeying a lawful order, a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the maritime branches’ top leaders said in a series ofmessagesreleased Tuesday and Wednesday.

A new organizational body within the US Navy called COVID Consolidated Disposition Authority has been formed to deal with those sailors still refusing shots after 90 days. The US Marine Corps specifies that any holdout’s Marine commander will decide the fate of Marines failing to follow a direct lawful order. The article mentions that thus far, only one member in the armed forces has been forced out of the military for violating Covid-related rules. In late July 2021, a Marine corporal was given a general discharge after she refused to wear a mask and accept the vaccine. As of the end of August, 85% of Naval personnel and 64% of Marine Corps personnel are fully vaccinated.

Former Navy surgeon and respected, outspoken Dr. Lee Merritt has noted that during all of 2020 there were only 20 Covid-19 deaths from US military servicemen and women. But recently addressing the much maligned and censored Frontline Doctors, with upwards of two-thirds of armed forces personnel fully vaccinated, Dr. Merritt disclosed that over 80 cases of heart inflammation (myocarditis) and tumors were reportedly already on the rise. Statistically, two out of three diagnosed myocarditis patients will be dead within five years. Dr. Merritt asserts that already so far:

With the vaccine program we’ve ostensibly killed more of our young active duty people than COVID did.

And with the vaccine mandate being enforced by September 15th, it’s only going to grow far, far worse. With all the clear and present known dangers of death and severe life-threatening, permanent adverse injuries resulting from the death jab, the US military will be dead or so medically harmed and decimated in coming months and years, it will ultimately render our nation’s defense forces too incapacitated to protect the United States of America. The ruling elite controlling the puppet strings of America’s so-called leaders are premeditatedly destroying America. The globalists and their minions like Joe Biden, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and all the Joint Chiefs of Staff generals and admirals going along to get along with this genocidal agenda are all alleged unprosecuted murderers and traitors. Not only must they be forced to resign, they all need to be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law for their egregious crimes against humanity and our nation’s military. Tragically, this would not be the first time that the US civilian and military leadership have murdered and permanently injured our soldiers as human guinea pig victims of untested, experimental vaccines gone awry. Estimates of the death toll from the anthrax vaccine indicate 35,000 soldiers were murdered with what was initially referred to as the Gulf War Syndrome. The criminals must be stopped.

Meanwhile in recent weeks in Afghanistan, the installed puppet President Biden officially surrendered to the Taliban, gifting the US enemy for the last 20 years up to $85 billion worth of modern US armaments as well as the name and address of the remaining 10-15 thousand Americans and thousands more Afghan allies still trapped. Biden cowardly abandoned his own citizens, making the enemy’s mop up job killing Americans and allies that much easier. In the face of this this deepening national disgrace, leaving vulnerable helpless Americans and allies behind enemy lines, an Islamic State suicide bomber sent into the crowd outside a Kabul airport checkpoint, slaughtering nearly 200 Afghans, including a dozen US Marines and one Navy Corpsman, marking the most casualties in the war-ravaged nation in a decade. In a speech after the deadly attack, the doddering, incompetent imposter puppet trying to act tough, threatened to “hunt down” the terrorists. Sounding eerily reminiscent of former President Obama repeatedly uttering those exact same words each time terrorists murdered Americans on traitor Obama’s watch as the ISIS founder and financier. No wonder Biden’s empty rhetorical words sounded so familiar, often it’s been said that Obama is still feeding word-for-word instructions into the earpiece of his senile former VP, who, in a rare, candid moment a year ago, Obama referred to the then Democratic nominee as a “fuckup.”

In the same way the recently turned 60-year old Obama is blamed for birthing the world’s largest terrorist organization ISIS, Obama’s December 2014 decision to end the combat mission in Afghanistan enabled the Taliban to rebuild and takeover. On top of that, by the end of his first term in office, the Manchurian president Barack Hussein Obama had already purged nearly 200 top generals and admirals loyal to oaths they were sworn to constitutionally protect, leaving rogue generals like Mark Milley to become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, responsible for institutionalizing America’s woke armed forces as well as the “unforeseen” disaster in Afghanistan. Calls for Biden, Harris, Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to resign are growing louder by the day. In fact, nearly 90 retired generals and admirals wrote and signed a letter demanding the resignations of Austin and Milley:

If they did not do everything within their authority to stop the hasty withdrawal, they should resign. Conversely, if they did do everything within their ability to persuade the Commander-in-Chief/President to not hastily exit the country without ensuring the safety of our citizens and Afghans loyal to America, then they should have resigned in protest as a matter of conscience and public statement… The damage to the reputation of the United States is indescribable. We are now seen, and will be seen for many years, as an unreliable partner in any multinational agreement or operation. Trust in the United States is irreparably damaged.

The retired flag officers allude to US enemies being “emboldened to move against America due to the weakness displayed in Afghanistan.” Additionally, a chorus of Republicans in Congress have also demanded Biden either resign or face impeachment. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) promptly drafted articles of impeachment filed on August 20th.

In the meantime, General Milley absolves himself and his Joint Chiefs by blaming his boss Joe Biden for the failed Afghanistan nightmare.

Under Taliban rule prior to the US October 2001 invasion, the opium trade in Afghanistan had been virtually stamped out, but within a year of US military occupation, as the world’s leading opium producer of heroin, the war in Afghanistan in large part continued because the US military assigned to guarding the bumper crop opium fields was a boom for the global crime cabal’s black budget to thrive, financing nefarious illicit activities at the expense of thousands around the world dying from heroin-opioid drug overdose. But since when did the planetary rulers ever lose sleep over murdering millions from either war, drugs or war on drugs – never!

In 2013 it was the US installed Afghanistan government, not the Taliban, that controlled 90% of the countryside. A retired general currently running for the US Senate in New Hampshire, former US Special Operations Commander Brig. Gen. Don Bolduc who served ten tours in Afghanistan, in a recent tweet squarely blamed Barack Obama for the current Afghanistan disaster:

Why has former President Obama stayed silent throughout these last few days? Because along with the Biden Administration, he shares the blame for the #AfghanistanCrisis. The Taliban even said, ‘We can’t fight against this, we can’t win against this’ [This being the 100,000 US troops fighting Taliban]. Al Qaeda was saying the same thing. So what did we do? In 2014, O’Biden said, ‘We are going to change strategy and come out of villages and end combat ops.’ And our senior military officials accepted that.

Among those acquiescent “senior military officials” was my freshman roommate at West Point, the coalition US force commander turned 2009 Obama appointed Ambassador in Kabul Karl Eikenberry. After “Eik’s (as we called him) successor, another West Pointer named General Stanley McChrystal clashing with the Ambassador, wanting another 40,000 boots on the ground, is speculated to have secretly leaked a couple of Eik’s not so confidential cables to the press, where Amb. Eikenberry expressed reluctance to invest more troops due to lack of trust towards the notoriously corrupt Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and, as a result, the outed and compromised Karl’s ambassadorship career was abruptly cut short after two years. These days Eikenberry is serving as senior US advisor to Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Defense alongside my other freshman roommate, current US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, retired four-star CentCom Commander General John Abizaid. While my roomies went straight to the top as two Council on Foreign Relations generals turned ambassadors, my career path took a completely opposite turn, exposing US Empire and the CFR on my blogsite called

As a journalist and author, I’ve been critical of the world’s sole superpower America, long misused by the globalists, currently running our once constitutional republic straight into the ground. This presentation will touch on America’s longest running war in history – two decades of wasted life and money in yet another disastrous US war loss, by elitist design. The US hasn’t won a war since World War II. The globalists have been misusing the US military as a war machine and battering ram wrecking ball, to destabilize, subjugate and slaughter Third World peoples while sacrificing idealistic, young American patriots in virtual nonstop bankers’ wars for 227 out of the 245 years that the United States has been a nation, that’s 93% of the time.

The fall of Saigon has recently drawn recent parallel with the fall of Kabul, except compared to the Afghanistan debacle, the 1975 crisis representing America’s hasty withdrawal defeat was run like a well-oiled machine, though scrambled rooftop rescue also brought US humiliation before the world. But thousands of Americans were not left behind as road kill for the victorious enemy like in Afghanistan. This article’s other focus will examine the United States’ present and future combat readiness, or lack thereof, in meeting the rapidly approaching challenges from both hostile enemies as well as distancing allies no longer confident they can trust the failing superpower. Examining reasons why the US is so fragilely ill-equipped to handle what is to come is geopolitically analyzed in depth.

CNN and leftist news media have done a 180 on Biden, though even this was mapped out in advance as installing a man suffering from dementia was the planned setup for Communist Kabala Harris as the next CCP puppet pretending to be president. And if that doesn’t fly, mafia CCP darling Nancy Pelosi will do the trick. The issue of the 25th Amendment, replacing a sitting president for lacking mental capacity to run the nation, is the growing elephant inside the Oval Office.

Freaking out over all the criticism and pushback from the Afghanistan debacle, the Biden administration in frantic damage control mode suddenly pulled all public audits and reports from all government websites displaying the record inventories and aid audits of all US military equipment and training allocated to the Kabul government from 2001 to the present that now is under Taliban control, an incredible $82.9 billion worth. The Biden fools trying to desperately cover their tracks to avoid further humiliation and consequences, recently scrubbed all the websites, but of course because the records had been made available to the public for years, they were already public domain material, and the desperados only appear more incompetent and frenzied to avoid forced removal from office. From a saved short list of military hardware gifted to the enemy:

208 aircraft and helicopters; 75,000 war vehicles – including 22 Humvees, 50,000 tactical vehicles and nearly 1,000 mine resistant vehicles; and 600,000 weapons – including 350,000 M4 and M16 rifles, 60,000 machine guns, and 25,000 grenade launchers.

When the State Department was asked about the reason for hiding records that were already known, again the excuse used shows shortsighted, complete lack of sound judgment in its flimsy, naked lie. After abandoning tens of thousands of Afghan government allies that are no doubt being tortured and executed by the Taliban, the Biden administration claims that the information was removed from the internet in order to protect the safety of the Afghan citizens. That is such insulting bullshit, once again stabbing in the back Afghans who worked with Americans as part of the US puppet government. To make matters even worse is the fact that Biden had already given to the Taliban all the identities and addresses of the Americans and Afghan citizens that needed to be allowed to leave the country, ensuring that they will all be murdered if they weren’t fortunate enough to scramble and make it out of the country by August 31st. We’re talking tens of thousands of people that Biden & company inhumanely threw to the lions.

By mid-August 2021 the Taliban fighters had already seized posted photos of $6 million worth of Black Hawk helicopters. By the end of the month US departure, the Pentagon maintained that only an estimated 48 aircraft were left behind that were still usable, and that 73 aircraft had been destroyed along with 70-mine-reistant armored patrol (MRAP) vehicles, 27 Humvees and a C-RAM missile defense system. That said, a September 2, 2021 article in The Sun, estimates an enormous arsenal of weapons fell into Taliban hands, quick to pose in photos and videos gloating over their made in USA spoils of war gifts:

22,174 Humvees, 634 M1117s armoured cars, 115 Maxx Pros trucks, and 549,118 machine guns, assault rifles and pistols were given over by the US. Some 33 Black Hawk helicopters, 23 Super Tucano fighter planes and 4 C-130 transport planes were also given to the Afghan Air Force. Other support gear was also given over, with some 16,035 pairs of night vision googles, 162,043 radios and some 8,000 trucks.

Military veteran and current Congressman Jim Banks (R-IN) explained:

The Taliban now has more Black Hawk helicopters than 85% of the countries in the world. But it’s not just weapons. They have night vision goggles, body armor, and unbelievably, the Taliban how has biometric devices which have the fingerprints, eye scans, and biographical information of all the Afghans who helped us and were on our side over the past 20 years. There is no plan by the administration to get these weapons back. There is no plan to account for any of this equipment or these weapons… If any of these weapons or this military equipment is used to harm, injure, or kill an American now or at any time in the future, the blood is on Joe Biden’s hands.

Large US weapons cache and war materials falling into enemy hands is anything but new, for decades it’s been standard practice in every designed to fail US war. In 2013 a clandestine CIA shipment of arms headed to Saudi Arabia was somehow waylaid, ending up in terrorist hands used to kill Americans… over and over and over again. Recall also in June 2014 when ISIS invaded northern Iraq, all those US vehicles and arms deserted by Iraqi troops went to the enemy and then again in 2015 Ramadi after Iraqi soldiers again abandoned their post, ISIS grabbed American arms. As recently as February 2019 US arms deals with both Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates were reported to have weapons ending up with al Qaeda linked groups and Iran backed Houthi rebels in the Yemen War. Some of these so-called blundering faux paus may have actually been intended for Islamic State terrorists since the US-Israeli-Saudi axis-of-evil after creating ISIS also have been secretly funding them.

The Biden government including the Joint Chiefs of Staff as America’s top military leadership need to be held accountable for their gross dereliction of duty allowing so many innocent Americans as well as Afghans die at the unmerciful hands of a terrorist enemy. Apparently not one of the US top military brass challenged or strongly opposed Biden’s half-assed, lame, meant to fail plan of leaving Afghanistan. The American people are owed a full explanation of what went wrong. Were Biden’s military chiefs misadvising him? Or was Biden acting alone while exhibiting impaired mental capacity? If that was the case, the Chiefs of Staff should have attempted to enact the 25th Amendment or at least shown their opposition by submitting their resignations. They did neither, which means they collusively went along to get along with a dangerously flawed mission that was certain to fail, which indicates their grossly impaired judgment warrants their immediate dismissal or resignation.

Every single one of the generals should resign immediately and on top of that be subject to criminal investigation and prosecution. Obviously, the public has every right to know why the imposter president and his disgracefully incompetent staff left Americans and Afghan friends behind to die and all need to be held fully accountable. Further, why was Bagram Air Base abandoned by early July and never utilized as America’s secured launchpad for protected safe evacuation? In April 2021 “a decision was made” by Biden and company to settle on the August 31st pullout date. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley denies they agreed with Biden’s plan, but then that may well be “cover your ass” desperation.

By mid-August when disaster was eminent, the old CYA blame game was in overdrive. It was reported that Biden had refused to adhere to recommendations from his Joint Chiefs of Staff that a minimum of 2,500 US troops should be retained in Afghanistan to assist the evacuation operation. The armed presence would purportedly have offered the US a stronger vantage point negotiating a less harried, chaotic exit strategy with the Taliban. But that’s seems just the flimsy excuse held up with hindsight for blame-shifting and gross failure to accept responsibility that’s become so emblematic for both top military as well as civilian chain of command turpitude. In view of what has subsequently transpired, Biden and team’s exit strategy is unconscionable, indicating the Joint Chiefs are cowards for not owning responsibility and the White House imposter is either mentally incapacitated or the puppet is simply following his globalist masters’ orders to intentionally botch the withdrawal as part of his useful idiot role in undermining and destroying America. But the nightmare turns even worse. On September 5th it emerges that six chartered flights carrying Americans and Afghan allies are being held hostage on the Kabul airport runway. The impotent White House claims that it no longer has resources in Afghanistan to do anything, in effect, washing its blood-soaked hands even bloodier.

As if that’s not tragically shameful enough, on July 23, 2021 Biden told the now deposed Afghan President Ashraf Ghani:

I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban. And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.

Essentially, Biden pressured the leader of Afghanistan to lie, painting a false picture that all is well when the entire world knew better. In response to the dire situation on the ground, with the Taliban military fast closing in on Kabul, the CIA managed to move all its personnel and operations out. So why was this imposter-in-chief and all his befuddled chiefs not adequately doing the same. To abandon Bagram and be limited to Kabul as the one exit route out was the downfall. But the reason seems all too obvious, the puppet masters holding these puppet strings had planned on this catastrophic failure far in advance, as one more nail in America’s coffin as a defeated, washed up empire, humiliatingly allowing thousands abandoned to die and the terrorists ready-equipped to expand the next terrorist war with US war spoils, some of which was already spotted being shipped to ally Iran.

Recall that Trump was impeached for a phone call made to the Ukraine leader requesting he look further into the scandalous cover-up of Biden crime family influence securing the cushy multimillion-dollar job as payoff for VP Biden’s underachieving, drug addicted pedophile son Hunter. Yet it’s Joe Biden as the illegit imposter still occupying the White House as America goes down in flames.

For a clearer historical perspective, former CIA intelligence officer and respected geopolitical commentator Philip Giraldi wrote in an August 24th article:

Regarding the current crisis, former FBI special agent and 9/11 whistleblower Coleen Rowley cited Richard W. Behan who mused over ‘How perverse we have become. We chastise President Biden for a messy ending of the war in Afghanistan and fail to indict George Bush for its illegal beginning.’ She then observed, in her own words on Facebook, ‘So Rehabilitated War Criminal Bush can maintain his legacy as stalwart statesman as he cutely dances with Ellen DeGeneres and Michelle Obama on television screens. Washington is just a big fact-free political show where the blame game winners are the best manipulators.’

Why the United States appears so weak and defeated to the rest of the world has everything to do with controllers behind the Marxist left, their Democratic Party, their installed president and the woke US military leadership. While Biden “trusted” the Taliban militants to provide airport security permitting an ISIS-K suicide bomber to slip through the checkpoint to kill almost 200 victims, including 13 American soldiers, the highest-ranking sergeant major in today’s Army Michael Grinston that same day was too busy celebrating diversity within his woke ranks for Women’s Equality Day. Political Correctness ensures our “tough” US fighting force has its token quota of every nonbinary rep from the LGBTQ crowd – lesbians, transsexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals and women all in the name of inclusivity, fighting alongside socially engineered emasculated men, waving their rainbow warrior flag on the frontline, proudly beaming diversity and correctness to the whole wide world. Yet real Americans are not proud.

This inclusive US military has come so far with its diversity training from the days a few years ago when I was writing extensively about the major crisis of rape and sexual violence rocking the US military. Forget winning the war, defeating the enemy and defending the lost Republic of America. The fact is that PC optics show LGBTQ diversity to be the ultra-important priority over winning wars or rescuing Americans and allies abandoned to die in the latest lost war. The elites’ social engineering amongst the US military is alive and painfully unwell, exposing how low our image has sunk with the woke US fighting force a humiliating disgraceful joke to the entire rest of the world.

In late May 2021 US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin emphatically denied that the US war machine’s gone “soft” after Texas Senator Ted Cruz responded to a US recruiting ad in comparison with a Russian ad, concluding that the US military has become “woke” and “emasculated.” Attempting to appeal and entice the young woke generation taught critical race theory and Political Correctness as a sacred way of life, the animated military infomercial panders to woke sensibilities of young, impressionable Americans. Rather than address the senator’s legitimate concerns, Cruz was attacked online by “Democrats, neocons and Russiagate promoters” for “spreading Russian propaganda.” Cruz in turn shot back against the criticism accusing Democrats and the “woke media” of trying to turn:

The greatest military on earth into pansies.

The befuddled retired four-star General Austin told the press that the politician’s “talking points” could easily be “capitalized on” by US adversaries Russia and China, though assuring:

I will not lose one minute of sleep about what the Chinese leadership is saying or what Vladimir Putin is saying.

As a West Point junior in 1971, I was our “woke-minded” Secretary of Defense’s assistant squad leader when he was a lowly “beanhead,” as freshmen at the US Military Academy are insultingly labeled. But rather than treat first year cadets as subhuman, I refused to follow the ridiculous demeaning tradition of hazing the newcomers, knowing that good sound leadership is not developed or predicated by instilling robotlike behavior spouting off insignificant bullshit as part of West Point’s disciplinary system. But for the last 219 years, so goes the logic, to be a good leader, one must first learn to be a good follower. Never quite bought into that school.

To refute Lloyd Austin’s smug dismissal that the US fighting force is anything but soft, an official report released in July 2021 completed by two retired admirals for Republican members of Congress looked into combat fitness of the US Navy after a ship fire aboard a naval vessel in the San Diego port and two destroyer collisions in the Pacific in 2017. The politicians are concerned about “larger institutional issues that are degrading the performance of the entire naval surface force,” and thus requested a critical appraisal. According to The Wall Street Journal:

The United States Navy is an ‘institution adrift,’ is not prepared for war, and is struggling through a ‘crisis’ of woke leadership. [Boldface for Emphasis]

Exactly the opposite of woke Lloyd Austin as the grand leader of the US military and in charge of defense for the United States. One of the officers who authored the July report, retired Rear Admiral Mark Montgomery told Fox News:

The focus on warfighting needs to be job one.

Clearly the fact that it isn’t, explains the lame Defense Secretary and Joint Chiefs of Staff generals and admirals poorly advising imposter Biden and their disgraceful debacle they left in Afghanistan, soundly defeated by the “unwoke” Taliban.

So, it’s no wonder that PC pressure on diversity and inclusiveness as the military’s #1 priority has shortchanged America’s capacity to effectively defend our nation and engage in successful combat operations. The leadership has gone soft in its wokefulness to appear politically correct, the weaponized excuse to destroy First Amendment rights in America. Losing sight of the military’s basic mission to always be fit at any moment for optimal combat readiness and immediate deployment potentially anywhere in the world, one “recently retired senior enlisted leader” lamented:

I guarantee you every unit in the Navy is up to speed on their diversity training. I’m sorry that I can’t say the same of their ship-handling training.

A naval lieutenant on active duty reported:

Sometimes I think we care more about whether we have enough diversity officers than if we’ll survive a fight with the Chinese navy.

This telling statement is this junior officer’s impression based on what he’s observed directly from his senior leadership officer corps. The sad and tragic reality is that those atop the US taking their marching orders from their globalist puppet masters are participating in the ruling elite’s premeditated controlled demolition of America.

From the Daily Wire:

The report added that the Navy does not spend enough time or money on training its surface warfare officers, leaving its war rooms ‘ill-prepared.’ The Navy’s deployments are too long, the report noted, risking efficiency, and commanding officers are trained to be ‘risk-averse,’ because of a culture of ‘brutal accountability’ for administrative decisions.

Again, as a West Point graduate and former Army officer decades earlier, I can attest to this same exact culture that elevates the bureaucratic-politician general, epitomized by former CIA director-four-star General David Petraeus from the West Point Class of 1974 one year behind me. Rather than encourage and reward dynamic leadership that transcends the inter-bred cultural mantra demanding that officers “cover their ass” in a ticket punching process, a general rises up the seniority ladder by strategically playing the politics game ingratiating superiors that promote likeminded sociopaths into their club.

These weak bureaucratic, pencil pushing sociopaths at the top of the military in the United States are weak, incompetent and operating without a moral compass. It took one brave Marine Corps Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller to go public on video calling the Secretary of Defense and his Chiefs of Staff out:

Potentially all those people did die in vain [in Afghanistan]. We don’t have senior leaders that own up and raise their hand and say, ‘We did not do this well in the end.’ Without that we just keep repeating the same mistakes, this amalgamation of the economics/corporate/political/higher military ranks, are not holding up their end of the bargain. I want to say this very strongly. I have been fighting for 17 years, I am willing to throw it all away to say to my senior leaders, I demand accountability.

We the People also demand accountability. Out of moral principle, Lt. Col. Stuart made the commitment to forego his 3 year away pension to submit his resignation in public protest and utter disgust towards America’s military leadership for not owning up to their gross incompetence and betrayal. Unavoidable consequences from this total disaster of another humiliating US defeat and inexcusable abandonment of the government estimated 100-200 Americans still stranded inside the enemy controlled nation, will be felt for years. In actuality, the number of sacrificed Americans left behind is undoubtedly far greater. When recently asked by a reporter if the US has “the capability to go out and collect Americans,” Lloyd Austin’s response was:

We don’t have the capability to go out and collect up large numbers of people.

The current illegitimate Biden puppet regime has clearly demonstrated its destructive treasonous takedown of America long enough. Our so-called “near death experience” has been allowed to go on too long. “Trust the [Q] plan, bro” propagated by the pied pipers of “hope porn” has also grown old and cold, pacifying the hopium addicts to sit back with popcorn to enjoy the show. Arizona’s delayed audit results from the rigged presidential election need to be released along with other states to definitively show the conspired treason resulting in the traitors publicly arrested immediately. For many years the so-called sealed and unsealed indictments and preeminent roundup of arrests have yet to be confirmed. With the US “allowed” to flounder under puppet Biden for the last eight painful months in front of the entire world, and US enemies ready to take full advantage of America’s growing instability and weakness, transition to a new US government restoring the actual winner of the November 2020 election needs to occur now. When it doesn’t happen, lots of overwrought, misguided believers will be joining the rest of the world population all in deep shit.

In real time the dire fate of humanity has reached the precipice point of no return as the converging perfect storm rapidly, irreversibly is currently descending upon us at blinding speed. The eminent global economic collapse, the inevitable US dollar collapse, inevitable kinetic wars like China invading Taiwan, the devastating, alarming destruction of America’s defense forces from the death jab, and even more disturbing, the millions of civilian biowarfare victims of the crime cabal’s long planned genocide, the world appears to be plunging into unavoidable total chaos and violent implosion towards totalitarian one world government tyranny as Lucifer’s false savior. With so much on the line – the very survival of the human race – we are in the fight for our lives between good and evil.

The Best of Joachim Hagopian

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. (Protecting Liberty through Private Firearms Ownership)  

“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.” – Jeff Cooper

Call for a pizza, a cop, and an ambulance and see which one arrives first.

In Warren v. District of Columbia the court ruled, and the Supreme Court upheld, that “(T)he desire for condemnation cannot satisfy the need for a special relationship out of which a duty to specify persons arises.” Because the complaint did not allege a relationship “beyond that found in general police responses to crimes,” the court affirmed the dismissal of the complaint for failure to state a claim.

The bottom line is that your local police are not legally obligated to protect you, the average citizen. In addition to the Warren case, there are hundreds of court rulings which state that cops are not legally responsible for protecting individual citizens. For example, see Zelig v. County of Los Angeles.

The government can’t protect you as you saw on September 11, 2001 as well as during the Washington, DC area “sniper” rampage and the plethora of active shooter events that we have had since.

In fact, the government could very well be our greatest fear, due to its propensity to murder people because of their ideas (See Ruby Ridge, ID and Waco, TX).

A simple internet or search of “the police state” or “police brutality” will reveal literally thousands of violent crimes (from assault to cold blooded murder) committed by the State’s costumed emissaries of officially sanctioned violence (aka The Police State) against harmless and innocent people.

So, who does that leave to protect you, your life, property and family? The one and only answer is: YOU It is your duty and personal responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.

This responsibility is a natural right given to us by God as human beings and guaranteed to us as individuals by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. offers professional weapons and tactics training that will make the difference. Instructed by experienced combat veterans—guys that have “been there and done that.” It offers private instruction at its privately owned range and mobile training teams are available. All interactions are confidential and discrete.

Contact: You can contact us via email at or through any of the contact or email links on our Web Site at

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‘Harmful Content’: National Archives Slaps Warning on Constitution, Other Founding Documents – Can it get any worse!!

By Mike Miller

I almost wish this was one of those clickbait headline stories, over which you roll your eyes after “clicking,” only to realize you’ve once again fallen victim to “over-selling” and “under-delivering.” It’s not. It’s legit.

The National Archives and Records Association (NARA) recently determined that America’s Founding Documents — which include the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and other significant historical documents — might be “harmful or difficult” for some users to view.

Being the compassionate federal government agency it is, the NARA decided to caution readers before they access digital copies of the (pick one, or more: “troubling,” “offensive,” “dangerous,” “racist,” et al.) apparently controversial documents. So, a “Potentially Harmful Content” alert now appears above the NARA entire online catalog. It reads as follows. Emphasis, mine.

The Catalog and web pages of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) provide access to many millions of descriptions and digital copies of the permanent records of the United States federal government.

The Catalog and web pages contain some content that may be harmful or difficult to view. NARA’s records span the history of the United States, and it is our charge to preserve and make available these historical records.

As a result, some of the materials presented here may reflect outdated, biased, offensive, and possibly violent views and opinions. In addition, some of the materials may relate to violent or graphic events and are preserved for their historical significance.

The National Archives is committed to working with staff, communities, and peer institutions to assess and update descriptions that are harmful and to establish standards and policies to prevent future harmful language in staff-generated descriptions.

Here are a few specifics, as compiled by The Federalist:

  • reflect racist, sexist, ableist, misogynistic/misogynoir, and xenophobic opinions and attitudes;
  • be discriminatory towards or exclude diverse views on sexuality, gender, religion, and more;
  • include graphic content of historical events such as violent death, medical procedures, crime, wars/terrorist acts, natural disasters and more;
  • demonstrate bias and exclusion in institutional collecting and digitization policies.

Incidentally, you ever wonder what part of “We the People, or Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is so harmful, offensive, xenophobic, or worse — my fellow “white supremacist, “systemically racist,” “insurrectionist” friends? Me, neither. Other than what our leftist friends tell us, 24×7, that is. Oh, well.

Yep, that oughta do it. Wait — I almost forgot.

As my colleague Nick Arama reported in June, the National Archives’ “racism task force” claimed that the Archives’ rotunda, which houses the Founding Documents, is an example of “structural racism.” Can’t make it up, don’t have to.

Our friend Kurt Schlicter took a shot at the insanity, at the time.

Sarcasm aside, this is Orwellian, “Animal Farm” barn wall stuff, gang.

The Founding Documents of the United States of America are now subject to a nameless, faceless, federal government bureaucracy that not only believes it has the constitutional right to determine — working with staff, communities, and peer institutions (likeminded bots) — to decide what constitutes offensive, outdated, biased, offensive, and possibly violent views and opinions — and as a result, to establish standards and policies to prevent future harmful languages, but also that is qualified to do so.

Based on self-assessment — and the assessment of others, no less.

That is profound. Worse, it is a perfect example of the “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time” principle. The Democrat Party can never get — take — enough. The Left never sleeps. It is never satisfied. Call it whatever you want — leftism, socialism, communism, whatever; the principle remains the same.

The Left goes after what it wants incrementally, knowing full-well it can’t get what it really wants, all at once — just like “we” can’t eat an elephant in one bite.

But nibbling away — I prefer to think of it as the metastasis of a slowly advancing cancerous tumor — works. And has worked, throughout the history of mankind. It has succeeded where attempting to take too big of a bite has failed. And make no mistake: those liberals we call “idiots,” dumbasses,” and worse? They know it works — far better than most of us do.

The Left is not stupid. It is insidious and it cannot be reasoned with. Left-wingers are impervious to facts, data, history, logic, and common sense. They might sometimes pretend to understand, agree, or compromise on any one or more of those factors, but they generally lie their asses off while doing so (see: Joe Biden), including, sometimes, lying to themselves. But the difference between the Left and us? They quickly revert to form — even if they’ve lied to themselves — and get back to the business of eating that elephant.

Meanwhile, we’re likely satisfied, relieved, elated, whatever the case might be, that we were able to extract an agreement or compromise from our ideological enemies, so we move on to the next hill — foolishly taking our eye off the prior hill. Until, sometimes, it’s too late when we realize it.

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. (Protecting Liberty through Private Firearms Ownership)  

“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.” – Jeff Cooper

Call for a pizza, a cop, and an ambulance and see which one arrives first.

In Warren v. District of Columbia the court ruled, and the Supreme Court upheld, that “(T)he desire for condemnation cannot satisfy the need for a special relationship out of which a duty to specify persons arises.” Because the complaint did not allege a relationship “beyond that found in general police responses to crimes,” the court affirmed the dismissal of the complaint for failure to state a claim.

The bottom line is that your local police are not legally obligated to protect you, the average citizen. In addition to the Warren case, there are hundreds of court rulings which state that cops are not legally responsible for protecting individual citizens. For example, see Zelig v. County of Los Angeles.

The government can’t protect you as you saw on September 11, 2001 as well as during the Washington, DC area “sniper” rampage and the plethora of active shooter events that we have had since.

In fact, the government could very well be our greatest fear, due to its propensity to murder people because of their ideas (See Ruby Ridge, ID and Waco, TX).

A simple internet or search of “the police state” or “police brutality” will reveal literally thousands of violent crimes (from assault to cold blooded murder) committed by the State’s costumed emissaries of officially sanctioned violence (aka The Police State) against harmless and innocent people.

So, who does that leave to protect you, your life, property and family? The one and only answer is: YOU It is your duty and personal responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.

This responsibility is a natural right given to us by God as human beings and guaranteed to us as individuals by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. offers professional weapons and tactics training that will make the difference. Instructed by experienced combat veterans—guys that have “been there and done that.” It offers private instruction at its privately owned range and mobile training teams are available. All interactions are confidential and discrete.

Contact: You can contact us via email at or through any of the contact or email links on our Web Site at

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Hard Data

Recognizing the Obvious: Hard Data from Israel Reveals Vaccine Failure

By Vasko Kohlmayer via

All through this year Israel has been praised and admired for the efficiency of its vaccination drive. Today it is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world with over 80 percent of its adult population having been double-jabbed.

With such a high vaccination rate one would expect that Covid would have been tamed in that country. After all, we were told that vaccines were the way to end the pandemic and with the initial reports of Pfizer being up to 98 percent effective, Israel should have been in an excellent position today.

The reality on the ground, however, is a complete opposite of what one would expect.

Israel, one of the world’s most vaccinated nations, is having its worst numbers since the beginning of the pandemic.

Here is a quote from a recent report by CNBC News titled “Israel doubles down on booster shots as daily Covid cases set new record.”

“Covid-19 cases in Israel have been rising sharply since July despite the high vaccination rate. New daily cases in the country reached an all-time high of 12,113 on August 24, surpassing the January peak of 11,934.”

This situation is confirmed by a piece on NPR:

“Israel was the first country on Earth to fully vaccinate a majority of its citizens against COVID-19. Now it has one of the world’s highest daily infection rates — an average of nearly 7,500 confirmed cases a day, double what it was two weeks ago. Nearly one in every 150 people in Israel today has the virus.”

And here is an account from an Israeli news outlet:

“The country has one of the world’s highest COVID-19 vaccination levels, with about 78 percent of those ages 12 and older fully vaccinated, mostly with the Pfizer vaccine. At the same time, Israel now has one of the highest infection rates in the world…” [emphasis added]

Let us spell out what is transpiring in Israel these days: fully vaccinated people are getting infected with Covid-19 and are in turn infecting other fully vaccinated people with this disease.

Please ponder this carefully and then ask yourself this question: what can we conclude from the fact that one of the world’s most vaccinated countries has one of the world’s highest Covid infection rates?

Here is the inescapable conclusion: the vaccines that have been injected into the people of Israel have failed to protect them against Covid-19.

To put it another way, the Pfizer vaccine that has been widely used in that country has been shown to be ineffective.

The government of Israel recognized as much when it began administering boosters on July 30. The boosters are nothing less than the admission by the Israeli health authorities that the original vaccines do not fulfil their protective function.

They have, in fact, admitted as much when confronted with real-world data:

“Announcing the decision on Sunday, top Israeli health officials said the effectiveness of the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine waned six months after administration, making a booster necessary.”

According to Dr Kobi Haviv, Director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, fully vaccinated people account for 85-90 percent of hospitalizations at his institution. Given that less than that percentage of the Israeli population is fully vaccinated, it would seem that vaccination not only does not prevent you from contracting the disease, but may actually increase one’s chances of becoming a serious Covid case.

The figures from Israel also show that vaccinated people are 27 times more likely to contract symptomatic Covid than those who have acquired natural antibodies through infection.

Rather than being a success, the much-touted Israeli’s vaccination drive has been an abysmal failure.

This is the inescapable conclusion of the hard data before us.

Most people, however, are unable to see this obvious truth, because they have been brainwashed into believing that the vaccines are the way out of the pandemic. The vaccines propagandists have been able to induce cognitive dissonance in their victims.

It is sad and disturbing to see these very victims lining up lamb-like for their “boosters” which are manufactured by the same companies and people responsible for this debacle.

After eighteen months of relentless fearmongering and propaganda their cognitive ability has been impaired to the point that they cannot make logical sense of the information before their eyes.

What’s worse, these vaccines are not merely ineffective. Reports of severe side effects and injuries have been pouring in from all over the world. According to a report issued by the Israeli People’s Committee (IPC), a citizen-led group of Israeli health experts, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has the potential to damage virtually every system in the human body. Based on data drawn from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Israeli Ministry of Health, the group estimates that the mortality rate among the vaccinated is about 1:5000. This would mean that more than a thousand Israeli citizens died needlessly because of the vaccines.

Let us recap what we know beyond any doubt: one of the most vaccinated countries is currently posting one of the highest rates of infection in the world.

What deduction can we make based on these two widely reported and undeniable facts?

It is truly regrettable that most people today fail to see the obvious truth that stares us right in the face.

Since we are all being forced to take the vaccine, we urge everyone to consider the reality before our eyes.

The evidence coming from Israel glaringly exposes the dire fact: the Pfizer vaccine does not work. It does not shield its recipients from Covid-19.

Pfizer, however, is not the only failing vaccine. Quite to the contrary, it appears to be one of the most “effective” available, which is one of the reasons why it was the first one to receive full approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Please carefully ponder the full implications of this.

The Best of Vasko Kohlmayer

Buyer Assistance:

Land and Livestock International, Inc. is in a position to assist the buyer in purchasing ranches anywhere in the Western United States and Northern Mexico. Pre – purchase services include help with due diligence, estimates of carrying capacity and potential for improvement, cash flow projections, etc. Post purchase services include everything from part time consulting to complete turn-key management.

We are not licensed real estate brokers nor are we licensed appraisers. We work only for the buyer for a negotiated fee.

Contact us at or through our web site at 

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Collapse of the Military

The Collapse of the US Military Continues

By David Lifschultz of the The Lifschultz Organization

The letter of resignation below represents today the feelings of about just the entire US military according to our sources.  Our heroic soldiers have had just about as much as they can take from our woke government and their imposition of woke perversions on the military as sodomy, abortion, critical race theory and transgenderism. We saw the likes of this in the similarly rotten and corrupt Weimar Republic though the German military was largely unaffected where Prussianism prevailed. I always thought that 1933 Germany required the Versailles Treaty, the hyperinflation of 1920-1923, and a 1929-1933 depression culminating in 50% German unemployment to create the National Socialist Revolution but this may not be the case as we watch the US morally implode into an Aldous Huxley medical dictatorship under an Orwellian Animal Farm under the most degraded values in history. Here mass abortion has killed in the US alone 60 million souls not to speak of our US influence on the 1.5 billion abortion murders worldwide not including the after morning pill.

katisthesea3 Anonup Update: U.S. Marine Corps Resignation Letter, Higher Alert Status | Operation Disclosure Official


‘Negligence in Performing Their Duties,’ Almost 90 Retired Generals and Admirals Demand Resignations from Gen. Mark Milley, Lloyd Austin

We have written up the history of Afghanistan in two parts below.

Operation Disclosure | So Ends the Afghanistan Heroin War

So Ends the Afghanistan Heroin War: Part 2

The following quote was taken from an RT article by Chris Hedges that appeared today that complements my points. As my above articles just above points out that Brzezinski lured the Russians into Afghanistan and here was the cost:

One million Afghan civilians were killed in the nine-year conflict with the Soviets, along with 90,000 mujahideen fighters, 18,000 Afghan troops, and 14,500 Soviet soldiers. But these deaths, along with the destruction of Afghanistan, were “worth it” to cripple the Soviets.

Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, along with Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, oversaw the arming of the most radical Islamic mujahideen groups fighting the Soviet occupation forces, leading to the extinguishing of the secular, democratic Afghan opposition. Brzezinski detailed the strategy – designed, he said, to give the Soviet Union its Vietnam – taken by the Carter administration following the 1979 Soviet invasion to prop up the Marxist regime of Hafizullah Amin in Kabul:

We immediately launched a twofold process when we heard that the Soviets had entered Afghanistan. The first involved direct reactions and sanctions focused on the Soviet Union, and both the State Department and the National Security Agency prepared long lists of sanctions to be adopted, of steps to be taken to increase the international costs to the Soviet Union of their actions. And the second course of action led to my going to Pakistan a month or so after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, for the purpose of coordinating with the Pakistanis a joint response, the purpose of which would be to make the Soviets bleed for as much and as long as is possible; and we engaged in that effort in a collaborative sense with the Saudis, the Egyptians, the British, the Chinese, and we started providing weapons to the Mujaheddin, from various sources again — for example, some Soviet arms from the Egyptians and the Chinese. We even got Soviet arms from the Czechoslovak communist government, since it was obviously susceptible to material incentives; and at some point we started buying arms for the Mujahideen from the Soviet army in Afghanistan, because that army was increasingly corrupt.

Next Hedges writes about the Afghanistan heroin war that was justified by 9-11 that no one in Afghanistan was involved in. The CIA brought us in there for only one purpose which was to restart the heroin.  As my heroin war pieces point out, no member of Islam was involved in 9-11 but we invaded Afghanistan for the only purpose which was to restart the heroin production shut down by Mullah Omar which was a righteous act. Here is the cost of the Afghanistan War Two.

Here Chris Hedges:

Things are already dire. There are some 14 million Afghans – one in three – who lack sufficient food. There are two million Afghan children who are malnourished. There are 3.5 million people in Afghanistan who have been displaced from their homes. The war has wrecked infrastructure. A drought destroyed 40 percent of the nation’s crops last year. The assault on the Afghan economy is already seeing food prices skyrocket. The sanctions and severance of aid will force civil servants to go without salaries, and the health service, already chronically short of medicine and equipment, will collapse. The suffering orchestrated by the empire will be of biblical proportions. And this is what the empire wants.

UNICEF estimates that 500,000 children were killed as a direct result of sanctions on Iraq. Expect child deaths in Afghanistan to soar above that horrifying figure. And expect the same imperial heartlessness Madeleine Albright, then the US ambassador to the United Nations, exhibited when she told ‘60 Minutes’ correspondent Lesley Stahl that the deaths of half a million Iraqi children because of the sanctions were “worth it.” Or the heartlessness of Hillary Clinton, who joked, “We came, we saw, he died” when informed of Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi’s brutal death. Or the demand by Democratic Senator Zell Miller of Georgia, who after the attacks of 9/11 declared: “I say, bomb the hell out of them. If there’s collateral damage, so be it.” No matter that the empire has since turned Libya, along with Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, into cauldrons of violence, chaos, and misery. The power to destroy is an intoxicating drug that is its own justification.

Death of 500,000 Innocent Children is Worth It – We Want Oil – Madeline Albright

Murdering innocent civilians in war did not start in Afghanistan or Vietnam, or Korea but in World War Two.  It was not US policy in World War One for its soldiers to kill women and children as we did at Hiroshima and Nagasaki which were not military targets. Secretary of State James Byrnes persuaded Truman to nuclear bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki to deter Stalin from overrunning Europe as our forces could not hold back the Russian Army which had faced 80% of the German Army finest divisions whereas the US faced at Normandy and in Europe largely the rump of the German Army except at the Battle of the Bulge where we suffered an attack by crack German Panzer divisions brought from the Eastern Front.  Hitler rolled the dice in an attempt to cut off the bulk of the Anglo-Saxon Army that required capturing allied fuel depots. Germany largely lost the war based on lack of oil.  It was a close call anyway as they came near to some major oil depots. Allied forces suffered over 75,000 casualties.

“The Cherwell memo described in quantitative terms the effect on Germany of the British bombing offensive on Germany between March, 1942-September, 1943.  This paper laid down the strategic policy.  The bombing must be directed essentially against German working class houses. Middle-class houses have too much space around them, and so are bound to waste bombs; factories and “military objectives” had long since been forgotten, except in official bulletins, since they were much too difficult to hit. (The meaning here is that more women and children could be murdered per bomb for lower classes as their homes were closer together.) The paper claimed that–given a total concentration of effort on the production and use of bombing aircraft–it would be possible, in all German towns (that is, those with more than 50,000 inhabitants), to destroy 50% of the houses.”

The US Air Force General Jimmy Doolittle vehemently opposed bombing women and children unlike General Curtis Lemay who supervised the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Reprinted with the author’s permission.

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. (Protecting Liberty through Private Firearms Ownership)  

“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.” – Jeff Cooper

Call for a pizza, a cop, and an ambulance and see which one arrives first.

In Warren v. District of Columbia the court ruled, and the Supreme Court upheld, that “(T)he desire for condemnation cannot satisfy the need for a special relationship out of which a duty to specify persons arises.” Because the complaint did not allege a relationship “beyond that found in general police responses to crimes,” the court affirmed the dismissal of the complaint for failure to state a claim.

The bottom line is that your local police are not legally obligated to protect you, the average citizen. In addition to the Warren case, there are hundreds of court rulings which state that cops are not legally responsible for protecting individual citizens. For example, see Zelig v. County of Los Angeles.

The government can’t protect you as you saw on September 11, 2001 as well as during the Washington, DC area “sniper” rampage and the plethora of active shooter events that we have had since.

In fact, the government could very well be our greatest fear, due to its propensity to murder people because of their ideas (See Ruby Ridge, ID and Waco, TX).

A simple internet or search of “the police state” or “police brutality” will reveal literally thousands of violent crimes (from assault to cold blooded murder) committed by the State’s costumed emissaries of officially sanctioned violence (aka The Police State) against harmless and innocent people.

So, who does that leave to protect you, your life, property and family? The one and only answer is: YOU It is your duty and personal responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.

This responsibility is a natural right given to us by God as human beings and guaranteed to us as individuals by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. offers professional weapons and tactics training that will make the difference. Instructed by experienced combat veterans—guys that have “been there and done that.” It offers private instruction at its privately owned range and mobile training teams are available. All interactions are confidential and discrete.

Contact: You can contact us via email at or through any of the contact or email links on our Web Site at

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The Constitution

The night I got drug out and roughed up (at a rodeo) by a small army of the state’s goons whose “problem” it was that a County Judge had ordered a Mask Mandate.

Loud and clear: JUDGES DO (AND CAN) NOT MAKE LAWS. Read the constitution. You will not find any such authority.

When the Constitution Fails Us

By Andrew P. Napolitano

Shop all books by Judge Napolitano

I have been writing for years asking if we still have the U.S. Constitution. That issue has come into sharper focus in the past 18 months as mayors and governors have created dictatorial powers and exercised those powers to interfere with personal autonomy in America. They have done this in utter disregard for the freedoms protected by the Constitution they have sworn to uphold by asserting that public health trumps personal liberty.

Here is the backstory.

Government is essentially the negation of freedom. If the values underlying the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights — maximum personal liberty and minimal government — are to be taken seriously, then we all know that government has gone so far astray as to make it unrecognizable to the revolutionaries who fought the British and the founders and framers who wrote and ratified the Constitution and its first 10 amendments.

Those underlying values are generally articulated in the first eight amendments, which restrain the government from interfering in personal liberty. The Ninth Amendment codifies that our rights are too numerous to list, and thus it requires the government to respect the natural unenumerated rights of all persons, in addition to those rights specifically enumerated.

The 10th Amendment reflects the ratifiers’ public understanding that the Constitution is a compact, voluntarily entered into by sovereign states; and when they entered, they only surrendered to the federal government those powers enumerated in the Constitution, and thus they retained the powers not surrendered.

All of this was the theoretical basis and public understanding of the American experiment in the 1780s and 1790s. Of course, not all agreed with all this. Many classical liberals opposed the ratification of the Constitution for fear that a new central government would control economic activities with its own bank, fight needless wars, invalidate state sovereignty and curtail civil liberties. Their fears are now reality.

The first serious federal attack on personal liberty came in the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798, which criminalized criticisms of the federal government and the administration of President John Adams. The same generation — in some cases, the same human beings — that had written in the First Amendment “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech” did just that a mere seven years later.

In response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, the two most prominent thinkers in America — Thomas Jefferson, who had written the Declaration of Independence, and James Madison, who was the scrivener of the Constitution and the author of the Bill of Rights — secretly authored the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions. These manifestations of the compact theory of the Constitution were enacted into law by the Virginia and Kentucky legislatures. They declared the Alien and Sedition Acts unconstitutional in their states.

These resolutions reflected the views of many ratifiers of the Constitution that the states that formed the federal government retained the power to correct it. Stated differently, these state statutes declared the Alien and Sedition Acts — which were blatant violations of the freedom of speech — to be null and void in Virginia and Kentucky. The underlying value here is that because the Constitution is a voluntary compact, those states that formed it and joined it voluntarily have the sovereign power to leave it.

Nullification and secession as ideas were cast aside by the Supreme Court and by the outcome of the War Between the States. But the defeat of an idea — politically, legally or even militarily — cannot always bury the idea permanently. When an idea’s time has come, nothing can stop it.

Jefferson and Madison believed that the Constitution protects the right to leave the government whenever it interferes with or fails to protect fundamental liberties. The very idea of secession terrifies government, whether it be the feds or the states, because — if successful — it diminishes government power and income.

Has the Constitution failed us?

There are two approaches to this question: A formal and a functional approach. Formally, the Constitution is still the supreme law of the land and enjoys vitality. Formally, the government the Constitution established persists in America. But functionally, as an instrument of restraint, the Constitution is an abysmal failure. The feds regulate, tax, coerce, steal and kill, and they bully the states — as they see fit. Every day, some government official who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution violates it with impunity.

None of these violations — short of the War Between the States — has been more public, affected more people and produced more harm than the executive orders issued by mayors and governors in the name of public health. Even the states caved, as very few tried to protect the liberties that the Constitution guarantees.

It will soon get worse.

As the Biden administration grows more fearful of its inability to control the latest strains of COVID-19, it will begin to use coercive means to compel mask-wearing and vaccine administration. These so-called health measures are essentially experiments that, when administered coercively by the government, violate the letter, values and lessons of Nuremberg.

If vaccines work, why do we need masks? If masks work, why do we need vaccines? If I am a free person, why do I need the government telling me how to be healthy? If only the legislative branch of government can write laws, why do we allow mayors and governors and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to do so? If the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, how can government attack the rights the Constitution protects? If freedom is our birthright, what has become of it?

The time has come to nullify government interferences with personal autonomy by disregarding them, and to threaten seriously to leave and ignore the governments that hate our freedoms. If we don’t do this, make way for voluntary servitude.

Reprinted with the author’s permission.

The Best of Andrew P. Napolitano

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. (Protecting Liberty through Private Firearms Ownership)  

“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.” – Jeff Cooper

Call for a pizza, a cop, and an ambulance and see which one arrives first.

In Warren v. District of Columbia the court ruled, and the Supreme Court upheld, that “(T)he desire for condemnation cannot satisfy the need for a special relationship out of which a duty to specify persons arises.” Because the complaint did not allege a relationship “beyond that found in general police responses to crimes,” the court affirmed the dismissal of the complaint for failure to state a claim.

The bottom line is that your local police are not legally obligated to protect you, the average citizen. In addition to the Warren case, there are hundreds of court rulings which state that cops are not legally responsible for protecting individual citizens. For example, see Zelig v. County of Los Angeles.

The government can’t protect you as you saw on September 11, 2001 as well as during the Washington, DC area “sniper” rampage and the plethora of active shooter events that we have had since.

In fact, the government could very well be our greatest fear, due to its propensity to murder people because of their ideas (See Ruby Ridge, ID and Waco, TX).

A simple internet or search of “the police state” or “police brutality” will reveal literally thousands of violent crimes (from assault to cold blooded murder) committed by the State’s costumed emissaries of officially sanctioned violence (aka The Police State) against harmless and innocent people.

So, who does that leave to protect you, your life, property and family? The one and only answer is: YOU It is your duty and personal responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.

This responsibility is a natural right given to us by God as human beings and guaranteed to us as individuals by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. offers professional weapons and tactics training that will make the difference. Instructed by experienced combat veterans—guys that have “been there and done that.” It offers private instruction at its privately owned range and mobile training teams are available. All interactions are confidential and discrete.

Contact: You can contact us via email at or through any of the contact or email links on our Web Site at

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Despair: A whole lot like Saigon

Despair in the Empire of Graveyards

By Fred Reed via

Forty-six years ago in a previous comedy I was in Saigon, recently having been evacuated from Phnom Penh in an Air America—CIA—Caribou carrying, in addition to me, several ARVN junior officers and perhaps a dozen BUFEs (Big Ugly Fucking Elephants, the ceramic pachyderms much beloved of GIs). America had already embarked on its currently standard policy of forcing small countries into wars and then leaving them in the lurch. In Cambodia this led to the reign of Pol Pot, the ghastly torture operation at Toul Sleng, and a million or so dead. In the unending fight for democracy, casualties are inevitable.

At the time Saigon was tense because Ban Me Thuot had fallen and the NVA roared down Route One toward Saigon. To anyone with the brains of a doorknob, the American adventure in Vietnam was coming to an end, but the embassy was studiedly unconcerned. Embassies do not have the brains of a doorknob, but are keenly aware of public relations. Acknowledging the inescapable is not their way. As usual, Washington would rather lie than breathe, and did. As in Cambodia, so in Nam, and so later in Afghanistan.

Apparently a genius at State realized that a lot of gringo expats lived in Nam—the number six thousand comes to mind, but may be wrong—and that six thousand hostages taken when Saigon fell would be bad PR. So the embassy in Kabul—Saigon, I meant to say, Saigon—quietly announced that expats could fly out on military aircraft from Ton Son Nhut. They didn’t, or at least many didn’t. The NVA continued its rush toward Saigon.

The expats didn’t fly out because they had Vietnamese wives and families and were not going to leave them, period. These wives may not have had the trappings of pieces of paper and stamps and maybe snippets of ribbon. These things do not seem important in Asian war zones. But the expats regarded them as wives. Period. The family went, or nobody did. Period.

The embassy didn’t understand this because embassies are staffed by people from Princeton with names like Derek who wear pink shirts and don’t know where they are. The ambassador is usually a political appointee being rewarded for campaign contributions and probably doesn’t speak the language as few gringos spikka da Pushto or Vietnamese or Farsi or Khmer. For example, nobody at all in the embassy in Cambodia spoke Khmer. The rank and file of State are better suited to a high-end Rotarian barbecue than a Third World city teeming with strange people in funny clothes eating God knows what horrible things in winding frightening alleys. And so the State people could not understand why an American would marry one “of them,” as in the embassy I once heard a gringa put it. It was a good question. Why would a man marry a pretty, sleek, smart, self-reliant woman who wanted family and children? It was a great mystery.

The Taliban—NVA, I mean–NVA kept coming closer. A PR disaster loomed.

Meanwhile the PR apparatus insisted that the sky wasn’t really falling even as it did and no, no, no the US had not gotten its sit-down royally kicked by a ratpack of rice-propelled paddy maggots, as GIs described the opposition. Many in government seemed to believe this. This was an early instance, to be repeated in another part of Asia, of inventing a fairyland world and then trying to move into it.

Finally State faced reality, a novel concept. It allowed quietly that expats and their families could fly out, military. It was getting late, but better than nothing.

The comedic value of this goat rope grew, becoming more amusing by the hour. I was trying to get a young Vietnamese woman out as she had worked for the embassy and we suspected things might not go well with her under the NVA. Call her Linda. Linda and I took the bus to Tan Son Nhut. The Viet gate guards gave her a hard time, envying her for getting out while they could not, but we got in. I was going to tell the State people that we were married but that while I was in Can Tho, by then in VC hands, see, the marriage papers had slipped from my carrying case. This was obvious bullshit, but I guessed that if I made a huge issue of it they would bend rather than get in a megillah with a reporter, no matter how unimportant.

We found ourselves in a long line of expats with their families leading to the door of a Quonset hut, inside of which a State official was checking papers. Some of the expats had around them what appeared to be small villages of in-laws, brothers of wives, sisters, everything but the family dog. An official with a bull horn told us to write down all their names and the relationships on clipboards being passed around. Tran Thi Tuyet Lan, sister, for example.

Then a genius at the embassy or Foggy Bottom realized that something resembling a third of Viet Nam was about to come out, listed as in-laws. Policy changed, at least in Washington which was as usual blankly ignorant of reality on the ground. At Tan Son Nhut this meant telling men that they had to leave parts of their families behind, which they weren’t going to do. This would not look good above the fold in the Washington Post. Dozens of Americans taken captive because the State Department would not let their families out.” All was confusion because the US had spent years telling itself that the disaster couldn’t happen. What to do?

American ingenuity kicked in. At the Quonset hut the guy with the bullhorn announced, “From now on, all mothers-in-law are mothers, all brothers-in-law are brothers. Change your forms.” All along the line, magic markers went through “in-law.” This meant that some women had two mothers, but this under the circumstances seemed a minor biological quibble. The guy with the bull horn was at most three feet from the guy in the Quonset hut who was certifying papers as valid. He solemnly looked at the papers with their strike-through’s, , certified them as correct, and that was that. A field expedient.

Hours and hours went by. Night came. Tempers frayed. Nobody seemed to have planned how actually to get these people out. Nobody seemed to have planned anything. Finally a 130 howled in. This was the Lockheed C-130 Hercules, a four-engine turboprop cargo bird and a magnificent plane. It taxied over. The engines did not shut down. The prop wash was strong and hot. The tail ramp dropped. The waiting mob were rushed aboard without ceremony. There were no seats in the dark cavern of the fuselage. That would have required planning, which no one in Washington had thought of. The air reeked of burned aviation kerosene. We squatted on the cargo deck while an Air Force guy with a bullhorn warned, “Keep the kids’ hands out of the expansion slots, you’ll lose them.”

The real-world Air Force didn’t have people named Derek in pink shirts and if you told it all rules off, get the job done, it did. Ramp up, fast taxi, takeoff run, tight corkscrewing climb with the engines running at power I didn’t know they had. The NVA and VC were now very close due to incompetent planning (have I mentioned incompetent planning?) and might have SAM-7s so it wasn’t a good idea to fly over territory they now controlled. Cutting and running from a stupid war run by generals as clueless as they were careerist, with Saigon spinning below, seen through open doors amid tightly packed peasants going they had little idea where. Days later when we got to San Fran on a chartered airliner, hundreds of refugees were dumped into the main concourse, no immigrations, customs, or paperwork.

And now we have done it all over again in Kabul, complete with helicopters over the embassy and a panicked evacuation undertaken way too late and sudden concern for turncoat Afghans who made the mistake of working for the US. There is talk of importing 20,000 Afghan refugees to America. I find it amusing that many conservatives, who thought the war was peaches because it was about democracy and niceness and American values, now object to importing people their dimwitted enthusiasms put in line to be killed. Use and discard. Countries and people.

There was the now-traditional underestimation of the speed of the insurgent advance, the predictable deprecation of the “good” Afghans for not fighting with sufficient enthusiasm for the Empire: If they didn’t care enough to defend their country, Biden would say with earnest cluelessness, what could we do?”

So why did this happen? Why another rush to the exit as the world laughs? Which the world is doing. In a sentence, because if you do something stupid and it doesn’t work, it probably won’t work when you do it again.

The psychological explanation is slightly more complex. Vietnam is a good example. America invaded a country of another race, utterly different culture, practicing religions GIs had never heard of, speaking a language virtually no Americans spoke, a country exceedingly sick of being invaded by foreigners, most of them white. in Afghanistan the designated evil was terrorism, in in Viet Nam communism, but the choice of evils doesn’t matter. You have to tell the rubes at home something noble sounding.

Then the Americans did as they always do, training the ARVN, the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, to fight the communists to impose democracy, which the Viets had not asked them to do. But when you ask some Viets (Bodes, Laos, Iraqis, Afghans) to fight other Viets (Bodes, etc.) to kill their own people for the benefit of the invaders, they are not greatly charmed. With a predictability that makes sunrise seem chancy, they desert, fight lackadaisically, with officers charging the US pay for soldiers who do not exist, and probably go over to the other side en masse when the collapse comes. Which latter the Afghan army just did. Duh, as the kids say.

The speed of the Taliban advance took Americans by surprise because officers are liars and had been hiding the deplorable state of the “Afghan” army, its numbers, morale, degree of training, and phenomenal rates of desertion. Often the American officer corps thinks that if it can just have a little more time, they can win, so lying is a part of the war effort. Biden bought into this, announcing that the Afghan army vastly outnumbered the Taliban and was better armed and trained and the insurgents couldn’t possibly do what they proceeded to do.

Another reason is that the American style of war recruits its enemies. Soldiers are not the Boy Scout defenders of civilization that so many like to imagine. They kill a lot of civilians, many tens of thousands in the bombing of cities such as Baghdad and Hanoi. Ground troops come to detest the natives whom they designate gooks, zipperheads, sand niggers, camel jockeys, and the like. They commit war crimes that, when discovered, are called “isolated incidents,” when in fact they are common.

Fragmentation bombs produce such things as a little girl crying with her belly torn open and intestines falling out while her mother goes stark raving bugfuck mad watching her daughter bleed to death and she can do nothing about it. But it is for democracy and American values, and anyway the ragheads breed like flies, and besides, CNN won’t air it. Today drone strikes hit weddings and other gatherings. When you kill people in a village, the young men join the insurgents, wanting revenge. When a few thousands were killed in Nine-Eleven, Americans exploded in rage. Three thousand is a small fraction of the numbers killed in, say, the attack on Baghdad. The Iraqi soldiers killed in a hopeless attempt to defeat the Americans were sons, fathers, husbands, brothers of other Iraqis. How much love do we think it engendered in Iraqis? This seems not to occur to Washington.

Militaries at bottom are amoral. Afghans know of the torture operations at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. Americans seem to dismiss such things as minor. They are not. Afghans seeing Moslems lying in pools of blood at Abu Ghraib, or being paraded around naked in hoods, are going to want to kill someone. Guess who.

American wars last a long time because no one has an incentive to end them. American casualties are low, especially now with the killing mostly done from the air against peasants with no defenses. No important American ever gets killed. American wars are all class wars, with the dying being done by blue-collar suckers from Kansas or the deep South, not by Bush II, Hillary, the other Clinton, Bolton, Bannon, Obama, Blinken, Biden, Cheney, Kamala, Trump, and the rest of those not required to fight. The US public has little idea of what goes on in its wars because the corporate media hide them. the Pentagon having learned that the media are their worst enemy, not the Taliban. It would not surprise me if one unfettered camera crew, filming the corpses and mutilated children and devastation, could force an end to such a war.

Americans are not heartless but calculatedly uninformed. Wars are also extremely profitable for those who provide the bombs, fuel, vehicles, and so on. If the US loses a war, the contracts stop, and equally if it wins. Keeping it going for decades provides a steady revenue stream. What’s not to like?

Finally, or as much as I am going to worry about, there is the 1955 Syndrome, the engrained belief that America is all powerful. This is arrogance and self-delusion. In the Pentagon you encounter a mandatory can-do attitude a belief that the US military is indomitable, the best trained, armed, and led force in this or any nearby galaxy. In one sense this is necessary: You can’t tell the Marines that they are mediocre light infantry or sailors that their aircraft are rapidly obsolescing, their ships sitting ducks in a changing military world, and that the whole military enterprise is rotted by social engineering, profiteering, and careerism.

But look around: The US has failed to intimidate North Korea, chase the Chinese out of its islands in the South China Sea, retrieve the Crimea from Russia, can’t intimidate Iran, just got run out of Afghanistan, remains mired in Iraq and Syria, failed to block Nordstream II despite a desperate effort, and couldn’t keep Turkey from buying the S-400. The Pentagon plans for the wars it wants to fight, not the wars it does fight. The most dangerous weapons of the modern world are not nukes, but the Ak-47, the RPG, and the IED. Figure it out.

And now the US comes home, leaving Afghanistan in ruins for decades. Use and discard.

Reprinted with permission from The Unz Review.

The Best of Fred Reed


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The Betrayed: On Warriors, Cowboys and Other Misfits

The Betrayed: On Warriors, Cowboys and Other Misfits. Although woven around the experiences and adventures of one man, this is also the story of the people who lived during the period of time in American history that an entire generation was betrayed It is the story of the dramatically changing times in which this personal odyssey took place. It is the story of the betrayal of an entire generation of Americans and particularly the 40% (of the military aged males) of that generation that fought the Vietnam war.

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Kabul Has Fallen – But Don’t Blame Biden

By Ron Paul, MD

Aug 16 – This weekend the US experienced another “Saigon moment,” this time in Afghanistan. After a 20 year war that drained trillions from Americans’ pockets, the capital of Afghanistan fell without a fight. The corrupt Potemkin regime that the US had been propping up for two decades and the Afghan military that we had spent billions training just melted away.

The rush is on now to find somebody to blame for the chaos in Afghanistan. Many of the “experts” doing the finger-pointing are the ones most to blame. Politicians and pundits who played cheerleader for this war for two decades are now rushing to blame President Biden for finally getting the US out. Where were they when succeeding presidents continued to add troops and expand the mission in Afghanistan?

The US war on Afghanistan was not lost yesterday in Kabul. It was lost the moment it shifted from a limited mission to apprehend those who planned the attack on 9/11 to an exercise in regime change and nation-building.

Immediately after the 9/11 attacks I proposed that we issue letters of marque and reprisal to bring those responsible to justice. But such a limited and targeted response to the attack was ridiculed at the time. How could the US war machine and all its allied profiteers make their billions if we didn’t put on a massive war?

So who is to blame for the scenes from Afghanistan this weekend? There is plenty to go around.

Congress has kicked the can down the road for 20 years, continuing to fund the Afghan war long after even they understood that there was no point to the US occupation. There were some efforts by some Members to end the war, but most, on a bipartisan basis, just went along to get along.

The generals and other high-ranking military officers lied to their commander-in-chief and to the American people for years about progress in Afghanistan. The same is true for the US intelligence agencies. Unless there is a major purge of those who lied and misled, we can count on these disasters to continue until the last US dollar goes up in smoke.

The military industrial complex spent 20 years on the gravy train with the Afghanistan war. They built missiles, they built tanks, they built aircraft and helicopters. They hired armies of lobbyists and think tank writers to continue the lie that was making them rich. They wrapped their graft up in the American flag, but they are the opposite of patriots.

The mainstream media has uncritically repeated the propaganda of the military and political leaders about Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and all the other pointless US interventions. Many of these outlets are owned by defense industry-connected companies. The corruption is deep.

American citizens must also share some blame. Until more Americans rise up and demand a pro-America, non-interventionist foreign policy they will continue to get fleeced by war profiteers.

Political control in Afghanistan has returned to the people who fought against those they viewed as occupiers and for what they viewed as their homeland. That is the real lesson, but don’t expect it to be understood in Washington. War is too profitable and political leaders are too cowardly to go against the tide. But the lesson is clear for anyone wishing to see it: the US global military empire is a grave threat to the United States and its future.

The Best of Ron Paul, MD

The Betrayed: On Warriors, Cowboys and Other Misfits. Although woven around the experiences and adventures of one man, this is also the story of the people who lived during the period of time in American history that an entire generation was betrayed It is the story of the dramatically changing times in which this personal odyssey took place. It is the story of the betrayal of an entire generation of Americans and particularly the 40% (of the military aged males) of that generation that fought the Vietnam war.

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