Nestle joins the “plant based burger” movement

In the end, this is all being cooked up (literally) by the people trying to drive the beef industry out of business. You know what we have to do, people. Suck it up and start eating more steaks.
A Handbook for Ranch Managers Planned Grazing: A Study Guide and Reference Manual Environmental & Natural Resource Economics: The Austrian ViewOu rah! What a great way to fight a war. lol — jtl, 419
by Jazz Shaw at Hot Air


First, it was Burger King. Next came Chick-fil-A. Then it was Little Ceaser’s. Companies have inexplicably been signing on to use laboratory-grown, plant-based “meat” substitutes in everything from burgers to sausage. And now, joining the parade is Nestle. Wait a minute… Nestle makes burgers? I thought they did hot chocolate. (CNBC)


Nestle is looking to take a bite of the growing U.S. plant-based burger market.

Through its Sweet Earth brand, which it acquired in 2017, the global food giant will launch its Awesome Burger in the fall. The vegan meat substitute will be available at grocery stores, restaurants and universities.

Sweet Earth founders Brian and Kelly Swette said they began developing their own plant-based burger several years ago — before nearly every restaurant chain announced a plant-based option and Beyond Meat went public.

Okay, so Sweet Earth Foods is a brand that Nestle bought to expand their portfolio. You can take a look at this particular horror show at their site. They’re prominently advertising the “Awesome Burger” as coming soon. I’ll give them credit. The actual burger part of the sandwich does kinda sorta look like a real hamburger if you don’t stare at it too closely. But still… not quite. Take a look for yourself. (Click on image for full-size picture.)

See what I mean? As I said, it sort of looks like meat, but there are weird gaps in the patty. It looks fairly juicy, but keep in mind that this is an advertising photo and those things rarely look like what actually comes out of the package and winds up on your plate. If you’re not familiar with the process, take a gander at this report on how photographers make the food look so delicious. The list of secret tricks includes, but is not limited to, glue, sponges, tampons, shoe polish, and motor oil.

Combat Shooter's Handbook Reconnaissance Marine MCI 03.32f: Marine Corps Institute The Betrayed: On Warriors, Cowboys and Other Misfits Of course, now that I think about it, would you rather eat something made of tampons, shoe polish and glue or “soy DNA injected into genetically engineered yeast that’s then fermented?” (That’s literally a company description of the impossible beef and how they design it in the lab.) Might come down to a coin toss if you ask me.

The Essence of Liberty: Volume I: Liberty and History: The Rise and Fall of the Noble Experiment with Constitutionally Limited Government (Liberty and ... Limited Government) (Volume 1) The Essence of Liberty: Volume II: The Economics of Liberty (Volume 2) The Essence of Liberty: Volume III: A Universal Philosophy of Political Economy (Liberty: A Universal Political Ethic) (Volume 3)  So this particular nightmare is spreading faster than I’d ever imagined it would. Whether you’re going into a restaurant and placing an order with your nifty new AI-controlled robot waiter or picking up something at the grocery store to cook at home, you’ll need to be on your guard. I think they’re still required to tell you that you’re purchasing some sort of Frankenplant composite, but labels can be tricky. Be sure to ask first.

In the end, this is all being cooked up (literally) by the people trying to drive the beef industry out of business. You know what we have to do, people. Suck it up and start eating more steaks.

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: The Austrian View

edited by

Dr Jimmy T (Gunny) LaBaume

Is now available in both PAPERBACK and Kindle

BookCoverImageMurray N. Rothbard was the father of what some call Radical Libertarianism or Anarcho-Capitalism which Hans-Hermann Hoppe described as “Rothbard’s unique contribution to the rediscovery of property and property rights as the common foundation of both economics and political philosophy, and the systematic reconstruction and conceptual integration of modern, marginalist economics and natural-law political philosophy into a unified moral science: libertarianism.”

This book applies the principles of this “unified moral science” to environmental and natural resource management issues.

The book started out life as an assigned reading list for a university level course entitled Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: The Austrian View.

As I began to prepare to teach the course, I quickly saw that there was a plethora of textbooks suitable for universal level courses dealing with environmental and natural resource economics. The only problem was that they were all based in mainstream neo-classical (or Keynesian) theory. I could find no single collection of material comprising a comprehensive treatment of environmental and natural resource economics based on Austrian Economic Theory.

However, I was able to find a large number of essays, monographs, papers delivered at professional meetings and published from a multitude of sources. This book is the result. It is composed of a collection of research reports and essays by reputable scientists, economists, and legal experts as well as private property and free market activists.

The book is organized into seven parts: I. Environmentalism: The New State Religion; II. The New State Religion Debunked; III. Introduction to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics; IV. Interventionism: Law and Regulation; V. Pollution and Recycling; VI. Property Rights: Planning, Zoning and Eminent Domain; and VII. Free Market Conservation. It also includes an elaborate Bibliography, References and Recommended Reading section including an extensive Annotated Bibliography of related and works on the subject.

The intellectual level of the individual works ranges from quite scholarly to informed editorial opinion.


Check out our WebSite

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Stunning: Facebook Court Filing Admits ‘Fact Checks’ Are Just a Matter of Opinion

By Thomas Lifson American Thinker

Surprisingly little attention is being paid to a bombshell admission made by the attorneys representing the corporation formerly known as Facebook, Inc., which has now transitioned into Meta Platforms, Inc.

In a court filing responding to a lawsuit filed by John Stossel claiming that he was defamed by a “fact check” Facebook used to label a video by him as “misleading,” Meta’s attorneys assert that the “fact check” was an “opinion,” not an actual check of facts and declaration of facts.  Under libel law, opinions are protected from liability for libel.

Anthony Watts of Wattsupwiththat explains:

Opinions are not subject to defamation claims, while false assertions of fact can be subject to defamation. The quote in Facebook’s complaint is,

Meta’s attorneys come from the white shoe law firm Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dore, with over a thousand attorneys and more than a billion dollars a year in revenue.  They obviously checked out the implications of the matter for Section 230 issues, the legal protection Facebook/Meta have from liability for what is posted on their site.  But at a minimum, this is a public relations disaster, revealing that their “fact checks” are not factual at all and should be labeled as “our opinion” or some such language avoiding the word “fact.”

Read the Whole Article

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. (Protecting Liberty through Private Firearms Ownership)  

“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.” – Jeff Cooper

Call for a pizza, a cop, and an ambulance and see which one arrives first.

In Warren v. District of Columbia the court ruled, and the Supreme Court upheld, that “(T)he desire for condemnation cannot satisfy the need for a special relationship out of which a duty to specify persons arises.” Because the complaint did not allege a relationship “beyond that found in general police responses to crimes,” the court affirmed the dismissal of the complaint for failure to state a claim.

The bottom line is that your local police are not legally obligated to protect you, the average citizen. In addition to the Warren case, there are hundreds of court rulings which state that cops are not legally responsible for protecting individual citizens. For example, see Zelig v. County of Los Angeles.

The government can’t protect you as you saw on September 11, 2001 as well as during the Washington, DC area “sniper” rampage and the plethora of active shooter events that we have had since.

In fact, the government could very well be our greatest fear, due to its propensity to murder people because of their ideas (See Ruby Ridge, ID and Waco, TX).

A simple internet or search of “the police state” or “police brutality” will reveal literally thousands of violent crimes (from assault to cold blooded murder) committed by the State’s costumed emissaries of officially sanctioned violence (aka The Police State) against harmless and innocent people.

So, who does that leave to protect you, your life, property and family? The one and only answer is: YOU It is your duty and personal responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.

This responsibility is a natural right given to us by God as human beings and guaranteed to us as individuals by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. offers professional weapons and tactics training that will make the difference. Instructed by experienced combat veterans—guys that have “been there and done that.” It offers private instruction at its privately owned range and mobile training teams are available. All interactions are confidential and discrete.

Contact: You can contact us via email at or through any of the contact or email links on our Web Site at

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America’s Dr. Mengele

By Thomas DiLorenzo 11-13 minutes

In his must-read new book, The Real Anthony Fauci, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. describes how journalist Liam Scheff chronicled Fauci’s “secretive experiments on hundreds of HIV-positive foster children at Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC) in New York City and numerous sister facilities in New York and six other states between 1988 and 2002” (p. 245).  He describes in detail how “Fauci’s NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) and his Big Pharma partners turned Black and Hispanic foster kids into lab rats, subjecting them to torture and abuse in a grim parade of unsupervised drug and vaccine studies . . .” (p. 246).

The real Anthony Fauci was a greedy egomaniac hell bent on creating an image of himself as The Savior of the World during the AIDS crisis while generating billions in profits for his pharmaceutical industry “partners.” The “partners” would then share some of the loot with Fauci and others in various ways, including sharing in patent rights, the “revolving door” of very highly-paid jobs for former government bureaucrats, paying multi-million dollar “user fees” to the NIAID, distributing shares of stock, etc.

The Real Anthony Fauci… Kennedy Jr., Robert F. Buy New $24.29 (as of 03:05 EDT – Details) The pharmaceutical industry “remunerated Incarnation Children’s Center . . . for supplying children for the tests,” writes Kennedy.  The “tests” involved giving the children experimental drugs that were “toxic – they’re known to cause genetic mutation, organ failure, bone marrow death, bodily deformations, brain damage, and fatal skin disorders” (p. 246).  Torture is not too strong a word to describe what happened to these children.  “If the children refuse the drugs,” says Kennedy, “they’re held down and force fed.  If the children continue to resist, they’re taken to Columbia Presbyterian hospital, where a surgeon puts a plastic tube through their abdominal wall into their stomachs.  From then on, the drugs are injected directly into their stomachs” (p. 246).  This wasn’t science fiction or a sick horror movie, says Kennedy, but Fauci-funded “AIDS research.”

Many of these children died as a result of the “research.”  Investigative journalist Vera Sharav, who spent years investigating all of this, told Kennedy that Fauci “just brushed all those dead babies under the rug.  They were collateral damage in his career ambitions.”  She said that at least 80 children died from Fauci’s drug torture chamber in the Manhattan foster home alone.

You probably never heard of this, but the BBC produced a documentary of “the savage barbarity of Dr. Fauci’s science projects” in 2004 entitled “Guinea Pig Kids.”  A BBC investigative journalist said in the documentary that “I found the mass graves at Gate of Heaven cemetery in Hawthorne, New York . . . .  I couldn’t believe my eyes.  It was a very large pit with AstroTurf thrown over it . . . .  Under it one could see dozens of plain wooden coffins . . . there may have been 100 of them” (p. 247).

The New York City Administration of Child Services commissioned a four-year investigation of Fauci’s Dr. Mengele-style “experiments” and found that 80 of the 532 children who participated in Fauci’s “clinical trials” died, and 25 died while enrolled in a medication trial (p. 251).  By 2003 Fauci’s NIAID was running 10,906 clinical trials involving children in ninety countries (p. 257).  Today Fauci, his longtime vaccine-manufacturing billionaire partner Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the World Economic Forum are desperately campaigning to have every child in the world – even infants – injected with their latest “vaccine.” These are the same people who have publicly fantasized about all humans someday having an implanted “digital I.D.” in their bodies to achieve their goal of “transhumanism.” They say they want a “digital I.D. implanted into everyone for purposes of government monitoring of all human behavior by some kind of super, international, government institution.  (Where is James Bond when we need him?).

Another charming fact about Fauci that Kennedy discuses is that Fauci has also funded (with your hard-earned tax dollars) experiments where Beagle puppies had their heads locked into cages where they could be eaten to death by flies.  He also gave University of Pittsburgh “researchers” $400,000 to “graft the scalps of aborted fetuses onto living mice and rats” (p. 253).  Not exactly the type of job one would expect a good Jesuit Catholic school boy like Anthony Fauci to have.  Fauci is a Catholic in the same sense that abortion worshipper Joe Biden is a Catholic.

The man is in reality “a sociopath who has pushed science into the realm of sadism” writes Kennedy (p. 253).  Who else but a criminal sociopath would have any involvement at all in such things?  (Or for that matter in dropping atomic bombs on helpless Japanese civilians; firebombing entire European cities occupied by civilians; lobbing thousands of artillery shells a day on your own country’s cities also occupied only by civilians, i.e., Atlanta, Charleston, and Vicksburg during 1861-1865; killing 400,000 Filipinos for refusing to be occupied and conquered by your government; mass murdering 50,000 Plains Indians “to make way for the railroads,” as General Sherman once announced, etc., etc. ad infinitum?  But I digress).

The Lying Man

Government bureaucrats love crises like wars, hurricanes, depressions, pandemics, etc. because in times of crises millions of average citizens become child-like, their I.Q.s seem to be cut in half (at least), and they beg for a substitute mommy and daddy to protect them, their new mommy and daddy being the state.  All of a sudden they are willing to abandon all of their civil liberties and embrace totalitarianism like a drowning man embraces the side of a lifeboat.  This is exactly the behavior of millions of Americans since March of 2020.

The absence of a crisis, on the other hand, creates a crisis for government bureaucrats.  To the bureaucrat there is a crisis crisis whenever there is no real crisis.  It is imperative, therefore, that every government bureaucrat becomes an hysteric who is constantly trying to alarm the public with the perception of a crisis or an impending crisis.  He is professional liar, in other words, and can rely on the socialist indoctrination organs known as “the media” to hype his crises.  After all, it’s perceptions that count in politics, not reality.

Fauci is no more than your ordinary, run-of-the-mill bureaucratic crisis monger and serial liar, as Kennedy documents in Chapter 11, “Hyping Phony Epidemics:  Crying Wolf.” Early in his government career Fauci was involved in promoting hysteria over what was called the “swine flu.”  NIAID and its pharmaceutical industry puppet masters told Congress and the White House that the swine flu was the same strain of virus that caused the infamous 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic that is said to have killed 50 million people worldwide.  The government poured money into Fauci’s NIAID and Big Pharma made Big Bucks by getting President Ford (in 1976) to give them $135 million to supposedly inoculate 140 million Americans.  In the end, writes Kennedy, “the actual number of pandemic swine flu casualties in 1976 was not 1 million but 1” (p. 358).

Patients injured by the experimental swine flu vaccine filed 1,604 lawsuits forcing the government to pay out over $80 million in damages and incur tens of millions in legal fees.  Kennedy hits the nail on the head when he concludes that “At the dawn of Dr. Fauci’s career, he learned that both pandemics and fake pandemics provide an opportunity to expand the bureaucracy’s power and to multiply the wealth of its pharma partners” (p. 360, emphasis added).

Then there was the 2005 “bird flu” hysteria where Fauci once again predicted “unprecedented carnage.”  This time he partnered with Bill Gates and hired the now-disgraced and discredited British conman statistician Neil Ferguson to construct “models” that predicted up to 150 million people could die from the bird flu.  In the end, about 100 people died from it, and most probably had comorbidities that were the real causes of death.  That was after President Bush asked Congress for $1.2 billion for Big Pharma to come up with another of its experimental vaccines.

The 2009 Hong Kong swine flu caper was a carbon copy of the earlier ones.  Fauci promised to “fast track” a vaccine once again, and the LMS (Lying Media Scum) dutifully poured on the government-sponsored hysteria. Some things never change, do they?

By the Fall of 2009 thousands of Americans were complaining about devastating side effects of the new Fauci shot.  Fauci promised the public that Big Pharma’s new drug was “perfectly safe’ but in reality there was “an explosion of grave side effects, including miscarriages, narcolepsy, and febrile convulsions” as well as “severe neurological injuries, paralysis from Guillian-Barre syndrome . . . and cataplexy” as well as brain damage (p.365).  Some things never change.  The epidemic never materialized and “As usual, there was no investigation of Dr. Fauci or the other medical officials who choreographed this multi-billion-dollar fraud” (p. 366).  Congress would never “investigate” it because too many fingers would be pointed at them for funding the whole charade.  They just collect their millions in “campaign contributions” from Big Pharma as a form of kickback for the millions in taxpayer dollars given to these corporations and then move on to the next phony health crisis for which they will also take no responsibility.

In 2016 Fauci diverted billions from taxpayer-funded research on malaria, influenza, and tuberculosis to his newest scam, the “zika virus.”  Right on cue, he enriched his Big Pharma partners with $2 billion to produce yet another vaccine to prevent microcephaly, a supposed effect of the zika virus.  In the end, there were 15 cases of the virus in the U.S. and none of them was associated with microcephaly.  “Dengue fever” was another Fauci scam in that same year that funneled additional billions to Big Pharma with – surprise ! – the exact same scenarios and results.

In every single instance, Kennedy writes, Fauci and others at NIH, the FDA, and the CDC load up the committees that vote for permission to market all of these experimental drugs with people who have Big Pharma connections or who are current executives for one or another pharmaceutical company.  It is all rigged, all permeated by mountains of lies repeated over and over by the lying lapdog media which pockets millions or billions in advertising revenue from Big Pharma. (Have you watched network television lately?).  It is not about public (or private) health at all, but to make more billions for Big Pharma, to bloat the NIAID budget even more than it already is, while throwing a few crumbs to Big Pharma’s supporting cast of house pets in the “public health” bureaucracy and academic world.  They fully intend to keep this racket going forever – even if it kills you.

The Best of Thomas DiLorenzo

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. (Protecting Liberty through Private Firearms Ownership)  

“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.” – Jeff Cooper

Call for a pizza, a cop, and an ambulance and see which one arrives first.

In Warren v. District of Columbia the court ruled, and the Supreme Court upheld, that “(T)he desire for condemnation cannot satisfy the need for a special relationship out of which a duty to specify persons arises.” Because the complaint did not allege a relationship “beyond that found in general police responses to crimes,” the court affirmed the dismissal of the complaint for failure to state a claim.

The bottom line is that your local police are not legally obligated to protect you, the average citizen. In addition to the Warren case, there are hundreds of court rulings which state that cops are not legally responsible for protecting individual citizens. For example, see Zelig v. County of Los Angeles.

The government can’t protect you as you saw on September 11, 2001 as well as during the Washington, DC area “sniper” rampage and the plethora of active shooter events that we have had since.

In fact, the government could very well be our greatest fear, due to its propensity to murder people because of their ideas (See Ruby Ridge, ID and Waco, TX).

A simple internet or search of “the police state” or “police brutality” will reveal literally thousands of violent crimes (from assault to cold blooded murder) committed by the State’s costumed emissaries of officially sanctioned violence (aka The Police State) against harmless and innocent people.

So, who does that leave to protect you, your life, property and family? The one and only answer is: YOU It is your duty and personal responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.

This responsibility is a natural right given to us by God as human beings and guaranteed to us as individuals by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. offers professional weapons and tactics training that will make the difference. Instructed by experienced combat veterans—guys that have “been there and done that.” It offers private instruction at its privately owned range and mobile training teams are available. All interactions are confidential and discrete.

Contact: You can contact us via email at or through any of the contact or email links on our Web Site at

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The DC Sniper Rampage: The Biggest Police Debacle of the Century?

The DC Sniper Rampage: The Biggest Police Debacle of the Century?

By James Bovard

Those who forget police debacles could be the victims of the next law enforcement fiasco. Former Montgomery County, Maryland, police chief Charles Moose passed away on Thanksgiving Day. He became famous as the most prominent law enforcement official during a three-week sniper rampage in the Washington area in 2002. The Washington Post ran a front-page piece on his death, and career and local officials hailed him as a “great leader” and “terrific” while the media touted him as a “hero.”

But Moose was the mastermind of one of the biggest law enforcement pratfalls in this century. After the snipers were finally captured after killing ten people, Moose declared, “Twenty-two days felt like forever. It could have easily been 22 weeks.” Actually, if private citizens and the media had not acted proactively, it could have been twenty-two weeks. Criminologist Susan Paisner observed in late 2002 in the Washington Post that the two sniper suspects “were caught despite [Moose] and the task force’s efforts, not because of them.”

Blunders by Moose, the first black police chief in Montgomery County, and other law enforcement officials boosted the sniper death toll. Because the first shootings occurred in Montgomery County, Moose took charge of the local law enforcement response.

The sniper case represents a deadly case of racial profiling gone awry. Moose decided early on that the killers were white guys in a white van. As a result, police ignored a slew of evidence that the killers were actually black guys in a ratty old car with out-of-state license plates. Several eyewitnesses reported to police that they had seen an old Chevrolet Caprice at the scenes of shootings, but police scorned their reports. They spotted the snipers’ blue car and recorded its out-of-state license plates at least ten different times during the month of the killings; the vehicle was reported to have been stopped or seen five times at roadblocks established immediately after shootings. But because they were searching for a white van or truck, police disregarded the suspects again and again. One federal investigator later complained to the Los Angeles Times, “The car was screaming, ‘Stop me.’ It’s dilapidated. It’s got Jersey tags. It’s got a homemade window tint.”

President George W. Bush announced that the sniper attacks were “a form of terrorism” and boasted of “lending all the resources of the Federal Government” to the investigation. But the FBI were as incompetent and incorrigible as Moose. Prior to the snipers’ rampage, the FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ignored reports from five different people in Washington State (where John Allen Muhammad lived) who warned about Muhammad’s comments about killing police, his interest in buying silencers for his rifle, and his visit to a gunsmith to inquire about modifying the rifle to make it more easily concealed.

More than seven hundred FBI agents were involved in the case. FBI trainees were brought in to staff the telephone tip lines at the Montgomery County Police headquarters. The FBI, scorning the technological revolutions of the prior half century, relied on the same methods the bureau had used to pursue John Dillinger in the 1930s. Instead of entering tips from the public into a computer database, FBI trainees would write out the information by hand and stack the reports into piles marked “immediate,” “priority,” or “routine.” FBI agents would then drive the stacks of reports to other locales where the snipers attacked, including Fairfax County and Richmond, Virginia. The Washington Post reported complaints by numerous lawmen that “the FBI’s problems handling thousands of phone tips are slowing and hampering the probe.”

When the FBI trainees were not laboriously scrawling down the latest tip, they were busy hanging up on the snipers. In a note attached to a tree after the ninth shooting, the snipers complained that operators at the tip line had hung up on them five times. The note denounced police “incompitence” [sic] and declared, “We have tried to contact you to start negotiation. These people took [our] calls for a hoax or a joke, so your failure to respond has cost you five lives.”

At the scene of an Ashland, Virginia, shooting, the killers left a note with a demand for money in a ziplock bag. But no law enforcement official bothered to read the note before it was shipped off to check for fingerprints. The FBI and the police dismally failed to exploit the bevy of clues in the note and in the other material in the ziplock bag. If the note had been publicized—like the Unabomber’s manifesto—savvy citizens might have fingered at least one of the culprits much sooner.

Instead of using common sense and exploiting excellent leads, the feds unleashed Pentagon spy planes to track all vehicles in the entire Washington area. Bush Pentagon appointee John Poindexter declared that the sniper case illustrated how total information awareness surveillance could have help detect the killer’s car. The spy planes may have violated the Posse Comitatus Act (which prohibits using the military for domestic law enforcement) but they provided no information that solved the case.

Moose took a command-and-control approach that left citizens in the dark at the same time that law enforcement ignored a tidal wave of damning evidence. “When we have people from the media interviewing witnesses and publishing reports, we get confusion,” Chief Moose complained. He was enraged when the Washington Post and a local television channel reported that a tarot card had been found at the site, later blaming them for five additional deaths due to the disclosure. At a press conference, Moose shouted, “I have not received any message that the citizens of Montgomery County want Channel 9 or The Washington Postor any other media outlet to solve this case. If they do, then let me know.”

But it was a leak of key information that led to the apprehension of the snipers. News media had been listening to police scanners and, on October 23, heard the renewed suspicions about the Caprice. Both MSNBC and CNN broadcast the license plate and car description hours. Within six hours, an alert citizen phoned in a tip that the suspects’ car was at an interstate rest stop in Frederick County, Maryland which a SWAT team quickly swarmed to arrest the suspects.

The initial sainthood that Moose received after the snipers were apprehended was truncated by his buck chasing. Montgomery County officials are prohibited from profiting from their government jobs but Moose speedily signed a $170,000 book deal to reveal his account of the sniper manhunt. He resigned under pressure after a local ethics commission refused to let him profit from the case. Numerous other government officials complained that the speedy publication of Moose’s book risked undermining the prosecution of the snipers. The commission also discovered that Moose violated ethics rules by failing to disclose a $10,000 payment he received from Marriott hotels after he claimed to be a victim of racial discrimination while staying at a resort in Hawaii. Moose initially demanded $200,000 from Marriott after he wandered into an unfinished area of the resort reserved for employees. “Moose was confronted by a hotel employee. When the chief was asked to produce proof he was a guest at the hotel, in the form of a room key, an argument ensued,” the Washington Post reported. If only I could pocket ten grand each time a hotel staffer asked me a question!

The real lesson of the 2002 sniper rampage was that neither local nor federal law enforcement could be trusted to protect citizens against dire threats. The Washington area was traumatized for weeks by two dimwitted psychopaths who rode around brazenly shooting people from the trunk of their ancient Chevrolet. If a team of trained, savvy terrorists had launched the same type of attacks, the death toll would likely have been vastly higher.

Commenting on Moose’s death, Montgomery County executive Marc Elrich praised him for providing “a calming presence in the midst of the terror and fear that consumed our County.” Politicians valorize political appointees to shroud government failures. Don’t expect local politicians to admit that Moose had blood on his hands due to his incompetence in capturing the snipers.

Note: The views expressed on are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.

The Best of James Bovard

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. (Protecting Liberty through Private Firearms Ownership)  

“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.” – Jeff Cooper

Call for a pizza, a cop, and an ambulance and see which one arrives first.

In Warren v. District of Columbia the court ruled, and the Supreme Court upheld, that “(T)he desire for condemnation cannot satisfy the need for a special relationship out of which a duty to specify persons arises.” Because the complaint did not allege a relationship “beyond that found in general police responses to crimes,” the court affirmed the dismissal of the complaint for failure to state a claim.

The bottom line is that your local police are not legally obligated to protect you, the average citizen. In addition to the Warren case, there are hundreds of court rulings which state that cops are not legally responsible for protecting individual citizens. For example, see Zelig v. County of Los Angeles.

The government can’t protect you as you saw on September 11, 2001 as well as during the Washington, DC area “sniper” rampage and the plethora of active shooter events that we have had since.

In fact, the government could very well be our greatest fear, due to its propensity to murder people because of their ideas (See Ruby Ridge, ID and Waco, TX).

A simple internet or search of “the police state” or “police brutality” will reveal literally thousands of violent crimes (from assault to cold blooded murder) committed by the State’s costumed emissaries of officially sanctioned violence (aka The Police State) against harmless and innocent people.

So, who does that leave to protect you, your life, property and family? The one and only answer is: YOU It is your duty and personal responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.

This responsibility is a natural right given to us by God as human beings and guaranteed to us as individuals by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. offers professional weapons and tactics training that will make the difference. Instructed by experienced combat veterans—guys that have “been there and done that.” It offers private instruction at its privately owned range and mobile training teams are available. All interactions are confidential and discrete.

Contact: You can contact us via email at or through any of the contact or email links on our Web Site at

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What’s Really Going on Here?


By Karen Kwiatkowski 10-12 minutes

The long rise of Anthony Fauci – the J. Edgar Hoover of federal health policy, as RFK, Jr puts it – is a sign of our times.

Fauci, to paraphrase “Yellowstone’s” Beth Dutton, has half the people and all the government.  Beth’s advice was for a woman to recognize her own worth and put her boyfriend in his place; Fauci’s situation today is far more perilous.  Fauci also has half the charm of J. Edgar, and twice the totalitarian instinct.  He’ll end up on the wrong end of a pike somewhere, perhaps courtesy of PETA activists. Or we might hear about a Jimmy Hoffa-style disappearance, as the powers-that-be increasingly find him to be a liability to the great reset.

Not long ago, Fauci had more than half the people.  My own Fauci-admiring, clot-shot advocating, your-liberty-is-killing-Grandma brother is even starting to question the Faucian narrative.  When I asked him when he was getting his booster, pointing out his waning immunity from his spring vaccination regime, he shrugged and parried.

So what is happening?

Many Americans haven’t been paying much attention to their own country’s trendlines, thanks to Lee Greenwood and Toby Keith and ingrained fantasies of modern America as a cleaned up and less violent  1850s America.  In fact, America today is far more violent, and far dirtier, in body and soul, than she was in 1850.  Empire requires government, and government requires lies, and wars, and lies about wars, and the USG has gotten pretty good at it.

I suspect that if the critical race crowd and the white privilege folks and the rabid environmentalists actually understood how empire works, domestically and globally, they might add some real value to the antiwar, free speech, and sound money campaigns.  The fact that they do not weigh in on any of these topics in any organized or informed way tells me they are tools of a much larger effort.  Whose soldiers are they?

In a so-called age of cynicism, we see mass blind faith in taxpayer-funded, government-directed, and government-mandated medicine – produced by crony pharmaceutical companies who are making hundreds of billions in private profit.  If you are anti-capitalist, you should be questioning this process.  If you ever worked for a government entity, you should be questioning this process.  If you have ever thought that government is prone to mistakes, missteps, back-pedaling, fraud, injustice or twisting the truth to cover a bureaucrat’s behind, you should be questioning this process.

Nearly two years in, more and more people from all walks of life and political persuasions are starting to pay attention to what their intuition is telling them.  They are starting to apply some basic logic to what they are seeing and hearing, and some of them are getting that feeling in their gut that causes them to slow down in that mass race over the cliff.  Even lemmings don’t destroy their whole population like we humans have been trying to do.

Lemming mass suicide was a myth, a story, a visual created and promoted by Disney in a “documentary” the company did in 1958.

I lived on this planet for 54 years before I learned that the “White Wilderness” documentary was faked.   I considered myself cynical, but I wasn’t cynical enough.  However, each time we get our beliefs and assumptions, our faith and our fantasy challenged and upset by reality, we learn a bit more about how to approach things like hot stoves and totalitarianism.

Fauci and his ilk, like Klaus Schwab on the global side, are modern government-backed mythmakers, latter day creators of legends that are not based in human or scientific reality.  Frankly, we the people ought to be pro’s by now, in catching what’s wrong with this picture.

If these spokespersons – for an elite-designed planet, complete with 24/7 controllable human assets, all doing what they should and nothing the elites disallow – are telling us a long bedtime story, what might  be keeping us up at night?

For me, it’s simple.

Liars lie.

Authoritarian sociopaths don’t care about skin color, health, or intellect or happiness of those that exist to serve them, except as these and other things can be used as a means to increase control and reduce risk to the authoritarian program.

Government funding and power is nearly always misused, often creatively applied, and bureaucrats generally bend the rules when they believe they can get away with it. This occurs with intelligence and propaganda in support of unneeded and unjustified wars.  It occurs in the federal courts where whistleblowers or journalists embarrass the government or one of its cronies.  It occurs in the agencies and contractors involved in weaponizing and enhancing virulence in bat to human coronaviruses.

In complex scenarios, with lots of noise and diversions, always follow the money.

Based on the parameters I rely on, it seems like the US and western centric elites and their enabling/controlled government institutions are actually in serious peril.  The same technology that allows a comprehensive surveillance state, and instant knowledge about consumer actions in consumer-driven economies, also allows individuals and groups to create their own paths and pursue them.  In the past, rulers and emperors might trust that their message of power, relevance, and control was being received, and if not, the king’s enforcers could strengthen the narrative with a well-planned act of terror against those who were questioning his authority. The same technology that allows rapid proto-typing of drugs and genetic therapies also allows a billion new voices, and new inventions, new shortcuts, and new ideas to be shared just as rapidly.  Today, top down control is far less sustainable, and any one big narrative is more likely to be laughed at than adopted as truth.

We are increasingly finding out that the authoritarian sociopaths don’t care about our health.  Millions of people have probably been surprised about the lack of followup they received, given that these RNA genetic therapies have never been fully FDA approved for anyone. Typically, when a new drug regime or therapy (after FDA approval) is being tried for the first time on a patient, there is organized and even diligent followup by the health care providers, you know, to see if it worked or solved the problem.  None of that applied for the billions of doses administered in the western world and beyond.  The user unfriendly VAERS system, by its own standards, is blowing up with negative side effects and even death.  The fact checkers say it’s all lies – but they refuse to directly address data and evidence with the same passion as those challenging the government narrative.  Instead, it’s reduced to “experts have said…”  This is a sign of significant weakness in the elite narrative, and it gets weaker as every day passes.

In the last 20 months we have watched global governmental urge, demand, and attempt to mandate everyone be injected multiple times with an untested product that doesn’t prevent the disease, or stop its spread, a disease that kills as many or as few as a seasonal flu, notwithstanding that it may or may not be a US/Chinese illegally created chimera, all while being forced to play Simon Says with government sociopaths espousing shutdowns, lockdowns, paper masks or cloth, three feet or six, entry or no entry based on vax status.  Human death rates and suffering around the world have skyrocketed, not because of the coronavirus, but because of national government’s humanity-destroying responses to it.

That story, the response, makes little sense, except to the beneficiaries, who have practiced new methods of mass psychology, surveillance, and control of human beings, and conditioned large numbers of people to accept the unacceptable.  “My body, my choice” seems to be our new “2 plus 2 equals 5.”  But we are not a community of tortured and captive Winstons – we are all Chief Bromdens, voluntarily residing in this asylum, and we can walk out anytime.

Nu, no, Xi, no I mean Omicron, is mild, impacts vaccinated as much or more than unvaccinated, and apparently few people anywhere are frightened of it despite Fauci’s efforts.  Why must we be frightened?  When we follow the money, we find an agenda of routinizing medical mandates, as part of government crony profiteering into the next decade, but also we find that unsound money is the real disease, and it is killing the US and the EU in particular.  Collapse through untenable debt, or uncontrollable inflation, or some other insurmountable challenge to the fiat currency of the state is coming.  Defaults, whether formal or informal, debt jubilees, or some other “solution” can and will result in loss of central power and quite possibly rebellion, chaos, secession and civil disunion and even war.  History is filled with examples of this predictable cycle, and those benefiting now from the debasement of currency know better than most what happens when the music stops.

RFK, Jr is right to compare Fauci to Hoover.  Tony Fauci is a powerful, paranoid bureaucrat with many dangerous secrets.  His agenda of destroying liberty is far more generalized than was Hoover’s, and less personal. His face is the face of the frightened elites, rich but not rich enough, wary of any and all change they cannot control, struggling to remember where they are in the “narrative” this week.  As their own tension rises, we see their fear, their powerlessness, and their irrelevance more clearly – fueling our collective withdrawal of our consent and our obedience.

For me, Fauci is just another un-indicted criminal.  I do remain alarmed and frustrated at the ease with which the US leaned in to medical totalitarianism, as it has done for similarly hyped rationales of war and terrorism in the past.  But it is those who trusted him, and who feel betrayed and used by him who will be the angriest.  I’d like to think that it will be their role to hold Fauci, and his bosses and enablers, to account.

The Best of Karen Kwiatkowski

Buyer Assistance:

Land and Livestock International, Inc. is in a position to assist the buyer in purchasing ranches anywhere in the Western United States and Northern Mexico. Pre – purchase services include help with due diligence, estimates of carrying capacity and potential for improvement, cash flow projections, etc. Post purchase services include everything from part time consulting to complete turn-key management.

We are not licensed real estate brokers nor are we licensed appraisers. We work only for the buyer for a negotiated fee.

Contact us at or through our web site at 

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What if?

Land & Livestock International, Inc.

What If Leviathan Destroys Our Freedom?

By Andrew P. Napolitano via

Shop all books by Judge Napolitano

What if the federal government views the Constitution as an obstacle to be avoided? What if many of its most earnest endeavors have been spent finding ways to evade it? What if the dual purposes of the Constitution were and remain the establishment of the federal government and the imposition of restraints upon it?

What if the states formed the federal government and not the other way around? What if the states that formed the federal government and the states that joined it contemplated at the time of formation and joining that they can correct it when it exceeds the powers that the states gave it?

What if the federal government’s only source of powers is those delegated to it by the states in the Constitution? What if those delegated powers are…

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What If Leviathan Destroys Our Freedom?

By Andrew P. Napolitano via

Shop all books by Judge Napolitano

What if the federal government views the Constitution as an obstacle to be avoided?  What if many of its most earnest endeavors have been spent finding ways to evade it?  What if the dual purposes of the Constitution were and remain the establishment of the federal government and the imposition of restraints upon it?

What if the states formed the federal government and not the other way around? What if the states that formed the federal government and the states that joined it contemplated at the time of formation and joining that they can correct it when it exceeds the powers that the states gave it?

What if the federal government’s only source of powers is those delegated to it by the states in the Constitution? What if those delegated powers are spelled out in the Constitution so that all persons can read what powers the feds have and recognize that all remaining governmental powers not delegated to the feds have been retained by the states?

What if when Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, which was unanimously adopted by Congress and which launched the American Revolution, he defined “the consent of the governed” as the necessary linchpin for a moral and legitimate government? What if the government is not moral and thus not legitimate if it lacks the consent of the governed?

What if, to address this, Jefferson argued that the government should begin anew every 19 or 20 years; and the new government would require the consent of the governed for its moral legitimacy?

What if no one living today has consented to the federal government?

What if the culture of the federal government has become an out-of-control Leviathan in the past 100 years? What if Leviathan believes that it can right any wrong, regulate any behavior, tax any event, borrow any amount, fight any war, tell any lie, torture any foe, and kill any person, no matter what the Constitution says?

What if all who work for Leviathan take an oath to uphold the Constitution? What if that oath legally binds those who take it to the plain meaning of the words in the Constitution?

What if the feds can only right wrongs in areas of governance delegated to them in the Constitution? What if the Constitution plainly leaves areas of governance such as health, safety, welfare and morality to the states?

What if Leviathan is made up of folks who view the states not as independent sovereign entities but as subservient administrative regions whose wills can be bent by distributing federal cash? What if those who control Leviathan truly want to trample the states, tell us all how to live, seize our wealth and give it away, and compel us to take drugs against our wills?

What if there is no authority in the Constitution for the feds to tell us all how to live and to compel us all to receive experimental drugs? What if the government has signed a treaty right after World War II that prohibits all nations that have signed it from compelling any persons to receive experimental drugs?

What if the feds treat their commitments under treaties just as they do their restraints under the Constitution — with disdain and indifference?

What if the feds believe it is politically wise for them to compel the rest of us to receive experimental drugs? What if the feds have done this even though they have no authority for it from the Constitution and even though the Supreme Court has ruled that all competent adults can refuse any medication and all competent parents can make health and medical decisions for their children?

What if the feds don’t care what the Supreme Court says when it rules against them? What if a circuit court of appeals — which is just below the Supreme Court — has ruled that there are “grave constitutional concerns” with federal edicts issued last week purporting to compel all employers of 100 or more persons to require their employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19? What if the feds are proceeding to enforce these edicts, notwithstanding an injunction against them imposed by this court of appeals?

What if the feds have no authority whatsoever to enter upon private property without a search warrant and tell an employer how to run a business?

What if the federal vaccine edict was promulgated by the president and his bureaucrats and is not a law that can be enforced with penalties? What if under the Constitution, only Congress — not the president and not the bureaucrats — can write laws? What if Congress has not enacted any laws compelling COVID-19 vaccinations? What if the president hasn’t even asked Congress to enact such laws?

What if the president doesn’t care about the Constitution he has sworn to uphold and instead directed bureaucrats to issue edicts and pretend that they are laws? What if it is dangerous for the feds to defy one of their own courts?

What if some courageous governors tell their police not to enforce federal edicts? What if the feds lack the resources to enforce their edicts on their own? What if the feds suffer a huge political backlash because of their imposition of edicts that assault personal bodily integrity and invade private property?

What if the states ignore the feds? What if they refuse its cash and decline its bribes? What if we are all left free to make our own choices when it comes to bodily integrity and personal privacy?

What if the feds don’t take lightly a massive and state-generated defiance of their edicts? What if the feds wrongly use force to compel compliance with their edicts? What if most folks fear the feds because they prefer safety to freedom?

What if it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong? What do we do about it?

Reprinted with the author’s permission.

The Best of Andrew P. Napolitano


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Planned Grazing: A Study Guide and Reference Manual. This is the ideal squeal to A Handbook for Ranch Managers.  Although the ecological principles remain the same, what was originally known as “The Savory Grazing Method” now answers to a multitude of different names: ranching for profit, holistic management, managed grazing, mob grazing, management intensive grazing, etc. Land & Livestock International, Inc. uses “Restoration Grazing” under its “Managing the Ranch as a Business” program.” No mater what you call it, this summary and synopsis will guide you step by step through the process and teach you how to use it as it was originally intended. No more excuses for failing to complete your grazing plans.

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When Are Secrets Not Secret?

By Andrew P. Napolitano via

“Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead.”
— Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

Last week, President George W. Bush’s torture regime reared its head in an unusual argument before the U.S. Supreme Court.

In 2002, Abu Zubaydah was captured by a militia in Pakistan and handed over to the CIA, which brought him to Poland where, under the supervision of CIA agents and American psychologists, he was brutally tortured until his removal to the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba in 2006.

The Bush administration argued that Zubaydah was a high-ranking member of al-Qaida who possessed information needed to fight the war on terror. After his torture produced no actionable information, the CIA told the Department of Justice and the Senate that Zubaydah was not a member of al-Qaida, and it had no evidence of wrongdoing by him.

His lawyers filed a criminal complaint with the European Court of Human Rights against the CIA, its psychologists and the Polish intelligence agents who carried out the torture.

That court concluded that the torture did occur, and it referred the matter to Polish prosecutors to proceed criminally against the defendants. During that criminal proceeding, Polish prosecutors asked the DOJ for the names of those who tortured Zubaydah and documentation of what they did to him.

In the Supreme Court last week, the government’s lawyer conceded that the names of the torturers and the nature of their grisly deeds are already known — the psychologists wrote a book about it — but the government will not confirm any of it because it constitutes state secrets.

So, if these so-called secrets are now publicly known, why does the government refuse to confirm them?

Here is the backstory.

On Oct. 6, 1948, a U.S. government plane was leaving from Robins Air Force Base in Warner Robins, Georgia, for a round-trip flight to Orlando, Florida, when it crashed, killing its crew. When surviving family members sued the government to determine who manufactured the plane and why it crashed, the feds declined to provide any information asserting that what was sought constituted state secrets.

In 1953, when the Supreme Court upheld this novel argument, it effectively changed the rules of evidence by permitting the federal government — without disclosing to a judge what the secrets are — to withhold evidence merely by making this claim.

Since 1953, the government has successfully asserted the state secrets claim dozens of times, each time claiming that the revelation of the so-called secrets will adversely affect national security.

In 2001, after the statute of limitations had long expired for any litigation over the 1948 crash, and reporters filed Freedom of Information Act requests for the alleged state secrets, a judge ordered the government to reveal them.

There were none.

The entire state secrets doctrine was based on covering up government embarrassment and wrongdoing, not the retention of legitimate secrets.

Now, back to the Zubaydah case in which he subpoenaed the DOJ for the records of his torture. Everyone involved in the oral argument knew that the state secrets doctrine was based on material misrepresentations the feds made to at least a dozen federal judges, yet the government treated it as if it were legitimate and compelling. The government argued that in wartime, its powers to keep its behavior secret are enhanced.

When Justice Brett Kavanaugh asked what war the U.S. is currently fighting that underlies its state secrets claim, the DOJ lawyer answered that the U.S. is still at war in Afghanistan!

The government’s argument that the U.S. is still at war in Afghanistan — this must be news to President Joseph R. Biden — is, of course, absurd. Yet its cavalier assertion raises serious constitutional questions about war, torture and secrets.

The state secrets doctrine is a fraud and has been used by the feds to cover up embarrassments and unlawful behavior for 68 years. And its employment by federal judges who have declined to require that the government produce the secrets for a judicial examination in secret — so the courts can determine if these secrets do exist and if their revelation would harm national security — is a craven rejection of a core judicial function.

That function is to assure that trials are fair and their outcome is based on evidence, not deception.

The claim that somehow the existence of war — in this case, a war that the whole world, except one federal prosecutor, knows is over — somehow justifies the detention without charges of a person as to whom the government has no evidence of wrongdoing, and that somehow war justifies torture, and that somehow all of this can be kept secret are claims that violate the Constitution and the federal anti-torture statutes that all who work for the government have sworn to uphold.

The Fifth Amendment guarantees Zubaydah due process, and the First Amendment guarantees transparency.

The government does not want to confront this. That Zubaydah was tortured for four years before the CIA and its Polish collaborators concluded that he was truthful demonstrates not only the reality of the government’s resort to criminal and medieval means to gather facts but also that torture as a means to the truth is useless and ruinous.

For all we know, Bush pardoned the psychologists and CIA agents who monitored the torture, but he could not pardon the Polish agents whose names and methods may soon be revealed.

At the end of the oral argument, Justice Neil Gorsuch asked the DOJ lawyer why the DOJ doesn’t permit Zubaydah to testify in the Polish proceedings. The same lawyer who had just told Kavanaugh that the U.S. is still fighting in Afghanistan had no answer.

The government undermines the Constitution when it lies and when it tortures. What kind of society enforces criminal laws against harmless drug users but not against harmful government torturers?

Reprinted with the author’s permission.

The Best of Andrew P. Napolitano

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. (Protecting Liberty through Private Firearms Ownership)  

“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.” – Jeff Cooper

Call for a pizza, a cop, and an ambulance and see which one arrives first.

In Warren v. District of Columbia the court ruled, and the Supreme Court upheld, that “(T)he desire for condemnation cannot satisfy the need for a special relationship out of which a duty to specify persons arises.” Because the complaint did not allege a relationship “beyond that found in general police responses to crimes,” the court affirmed the dismissal of the complaint for failure to state a claim.

The bottom line is that your local police are not legally obligated to protect you, the average citizen. In addition to the Warren case, there are hundreds of court rulings which state that cops are not legally responsible for protecting individual citizens. For example, see Zelig v. County of Los Angeles.

The government can’t protect you as you saw on September 11, 2001 as well as during the Washington, DC area “sniper” rampage and the plethora of active shooter events that we have had since.

In fact, the government could very well be our greatest fear, due to its propensity to murder people because of their ideas (See Ruby Ridge, ID and Waco, TX).

A simple internet or search of “the police state” or “police brutality” will reveal literally thousands of violent crimes (from assault to cold blooded murder) committed by the State’s costumed emissaries of officially sanctioned violence (aka The Police State) against harmless and innocent people.

So, who does that leave to protect you, your life, property and family? The one and only answer is: YOU It is your duty and personal responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.

This responsibility is a natural right given to us by God as human beings and guaranteed to us as individuals by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. offers professional weapons and tactics training that will make the difference. Instructed by experienced combat veterans—guys that have “been there and done that.” It offers private instruction at its privately owned range and mobile training teams are available. All interactions are confidential and discrete.

Contact: You can contact us via email at or through any of the contact or email links on our Web Site at

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The CIA Has Stultified American Consciences

By Jacob G. Hornberger

One of the worst consequences of converting the federal government to a national-security state has been the stultification or warping of the consciences of the American people. With unwavering allegiance to the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA, all too many Americans have sacrificed their sense of right and wrong at the altar of “national security,” the two-word term that has become the most important term in the political lexicon of the American people.

The best example of this phenomenon is the CIA’s power of assassination. Most Americans have come to passively accept this power, with nary a thought as to the victims against whom it is carried out and under what what circumstances it is carried out.

Consider recent revelations that the CIA was planning to assassinate Julian Assange, the head of WikiLeaks, for disclosing dark-side secrets of the U.S. deep state to to the world. 

That’s why U.S. officials have pursued him with a vengeance — not because he lied about the Pentagon’s and the CIA’s dark-side activities but rather because he disclosed the truth about them. 

That’s why they were seeking to murder him — to silence him, to punish him, and to send a message to other potential disclosers of dark-side secrets of the national-security establishment. 

But anyone with a conscience that is operating would easily see that assassinating Assange would be just plain murder. And at the risk of belaboring the obvious, the murder of an innocent person is just plain evil. 

Yet, the reaction to all this from the mainstream press has been one great big collective yawn. No big deal. It’s just another state-sponsored assassination intended to protect “national security.” If U.S. national-security state officials have decided that Assange needs to be taken out, then that’s just the way it is. That’s why we have a CIA, after all. We have to defer to its judgment, even if it means sacrificing our consciences in the process. After all, that’s its job — to protect “national security.”

By the way, there is virtually no doubt that if they could get away with assassinating Edward Snowden for disclosing the truth about NSA dark-side activity, they would murder him too. The probable reason they haven’t assassinated Snowden is because they haven’t figured out a way to get the assassins out of Russia.

When the federal government was converted to a national-security state after World War II, the American people made an implicit bargain with the devil. The bargain empowered the national-security establishment to engage in dark-side activity, including assassination. But another part of the bargain was that officials would keep their dark-side activity secret from the American people so that people wouldn’t have to deal with their consciences over a governmental entity that was assassinating people. 

Assange’s and Snowden’s great “crime” was in violating that pact. By bringing dark-side activity to the attention of the American people, they ran the risk that people’s consciences might start operating. 

So far, there appears to be no risk of that happening. Consider, for example, the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Suleimani. That was just plain murder. Iran and the United States are not at war with each other. Sure, we are told that Iran is a “rival,” an “enemy,” an “opponent,” or an “adversary,” but does that morally entitle U.S. officials to murder Iranian officials? It does not, just as it doesn’t entitle Iranian officials to murder U.S. officials. 

Again, however, the reaction among the mainstream press to the assassination of Suleimani was one great big collective yawn. Revealingly, there was also no moral outrage expressed among church ministers across America. If the Pentagon and the CIA deemed it necessary to assassinate Suleiman, that’s all we need to know. 

To get America back on the right track, what we need is a moral awakening, one that entails the operation of conscience. If that day were to come, there is no doubt that the American people would cast the CIA into the dustbin of history, where all evil agencies belong.

Reprinted with permission from The Future of Freedom Foundation.

The Best of Jacob G. Hornberger

Buyer Assistance:

Land and Livestock International, Inc. is in a position to assist the buyer in purchasing ranches anywhere in the Western United States and Northern Mexico. Pre – purchase services include help with due diligence, estimates of carrying capacity and potential for improvement, cash flow projections, etc. Post purchase services include everything from part time consulting to complete turn-key management.

We are not licensed real estate brokers nor are we licensed appraisers. We work only for the buyer for a negotiated fee.

Contact us at or through our web site at 

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As most readers know, the totalitarian enemies of freedom and promoters of totalitarianism who own and run Google have cut off this Web site’s income from advertising. 

Yep, that’s the way the bastards operate. — jtl, 419 Needs You Now More than Ever

By Thomas DiLorenzo

As most readers know, the totalitarian enemies of freedom and promoters of totalitarianism who own and run Google have cut off this Web site’s income from advertising.  Too much “misinformation,” the evil bastards say.  They claimed that some articles were “demonstrably false” but did not explain why.  They also absurdly said that the articles on this site could “undermine participation or trust in electoral or democratic process,” aka government.  Apparently, criticism of government policy is no longer permitted in America as long as Senile Joe and his merry band of Bolsheviks are in power.  Four years of extreme, vitriolic hate, 24/7, on the Google platforms during the Trump administration was all hunky dory of course.  Including the false, unreliable, and harmful claims that Trump was a Russian spy/puppet.  Talk about undermining trust in “democratic process.”

Google also of course claimed that the site is promoting “harmful health claims” by not believing every single word that comes out of Anthony Fauci’s mouth.  Or as their own bureaucratic mumbo jumbo put it:  “contradicts authoritative scientific consensus.”  (In The Road to Serfdom F.A. Hayek wrote that in totalitarian countries “truth” is determined not by research, discussion, and civilized debate, but by announcements by “authoritative” government sources.  Such announcements are the “consensus” — or else.  Google claimed that the entire blog is guilty of these sins.  Every last word of it.

The rest of Big Bolshevik Tech will probably follow suit.  If you value all the hard work (by Lew more than anyone else, who works seven days a week) and information that is produced by all the writers who appear on this Web site, please donate whatever you can now.  It will be our way of spitting in the faces (figuratively speaking) of these evil, totalitarian-minded thugs.

I personally do not profit at all from writing on this site apart from any additional book sales that might be stimulated by my articles and blogs, so this is not a self-serving plea.  It is a plea to help us to continue the fight for freedom and it is time for all of you to step up.

The Best of Thomas DiLorenzo

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. (Protecting Liberty through Private Firearms Ownership)  

“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.” – Jeff Cooper

Call for a pizza, a cop, and an ambulance and see which one arrives first.

In Warren v. District of Columbia the court ruled, and the Supreme Court upheld, that “(T)he desire for condemnation cannot satisfy the need for a special relationship out of which a duty to specify persons arises.” Because the complaint did not allege a relationship “beyond that found in general police responses to crimes,” the court affirmed the dismissal of the complaint for failure to state a claim.

The bottom line is that your local police are not legally obligated to protect you, the average citizen. In addition to the Warren case, there are hundreds of court rulings which state that cops are not legally responsible for protecting individual citizens. For example, see Zelig v. County of Los Angeles.

The government can’t protect you as you saw on September 11, 2001 as well as during the Washington, DC area “sniper” rampage and the plethora of active shooter events that we have had since.

In fact, the government could very well be our greatest fear, due to its propensity to murder people because of their ideas (See Ruby Ridge, ID and Waco, TX).

A simple internet or search of “the police state” or “police brutality” will reveal literally thousands of violent crimes (from assault to cold blooded murder) committed by the State’s costumed emissaries of officially sanctioned violence (aka The Police State) against harmless and innocent people.

So, who does that leave to protect you, your life, property and family? The one and only answer is: YOU It is your duty and personal responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.

This responsibility is a natural right given to us by God as human beings and guaranteed to us as individuals by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Options for Homeland Defense, Inc. offers professional weapons and tactics training that will make the difference. Instructed by experienced combat veterans—guys that have “been there and done that.” It offers private instruction at its privately owned range and mobile training teams are available. All interactions are confidential and discrete.

Contact: You can contact us via email at or through any of the contact or email links on our Web Site at

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Poor Man’s Cure

Virologists Report Poor Man’s Amino Acid Cure for Covid-19 Would Abolish Need for Vaccines

By Bill Sardi via

Move over hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, two widely extolled prescription medicines used to treat COVID-19 viral infections.  A natural cure for COVID-19 that is widely available and affordable for even the poorest of people on the planet has been confirmed by a team of virologists who have spent a lifetime studying the underlying causes of viral infections.

Backed by decades of research and safety data for herpes-family viruses, U.S.-based researchers at Bio-Virus Research Inc, Reno, Nevada, report on the successful treatment of the first 30 frontline doctors and nurses and a thousand-plus patients given the amino acid lysine to prevent and even abolish COVID-19 coronavirus infections at a clinic in the Dominican Republic.  Astonishingly, symptoms of COVID-19 are reported to have dissipated within hours of this natural treatment.

The medical staff at a clinic in the Dominican Republic was coming down with two cases of coronavirus per month before lysine therapy was instituted. Best Naturals L-Lysine… Buy New $9.65 ($0.04 / Count) (as of 02:45 EST – Details)

The virologists, Drs. Christopher Kagan, Bo Karlicki and Alexander Chaihorsky, strongly suggested the front-line healthcare workers embark on a daily regimen of lysine therapy due to daily exposure to the virus.  Their ground-breaking report is published online at

Arginine/lysine balance

Lysine therapy interrupts the replication of viruses, including COVID-19 coronavirus, by countering arginine, an amino acid that fosters the eruption of dormant viruses.  Lysine has been safely used for decades to quell herpes virus outbreaks that cause cold sores on the lips (herpes labialis), a treatment pioneered by one of the Bio-Virus Research team members in 1974.

Lysine is available in foods and in concentrated form in inexpensive dietary supplements (250 500-milligram lysine tablets can be purchased for under $5 US or 2-cents per tablet), making affordable lysine therapy possible.

Lysine/arginine imbalance would explain why patients who have been infected with COVID-19 have recurrent infections, even after vaccination.

Lysine Rx in Dominican Republic

The daily therapeutic supplement regimen for the medical staff in the Dominican Republic consisted of 2000 milligrams of lysine capsules along with restricted dietary consumption of arginine-rich foods such as nuts, chocolate, orange juice, pumpkin, sesame seeds, wheat germ.

The Bio-Virus Research team found doses of supplemental lysine up to 4000 milligrams to be safe and effective.

Foods that have a high ratio of lysine over arginine such as eggs, tofu, fish (not raw), sardines, cheese, meats such as pork, poultry and red meat, and yogurt) provide a high ratio of lysine over arginine, thus blocking replication of all coronaviruses including COVID-19.

According to the virologists who were interviewed by this reporter, over 1000 patients have now been successfully treated with surprisingly rapid dissolution of symptoms and return to health.  Even severely infected COVID-19 patients have been able to come off the ventilator with lysine therapy, say doctors.

Third-party validation for lysine therapy

Writing in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases another research team based in New York and Texas reports that arginine depletion is a strategy to quell both coronaviruses and other herpes family viruses.

In 2016 researchers documented that lysine impairs the growth of coronaviruses in a lab dish.

The Bio-Virus Research team are not loners nor out on a scientific limb.  A report, published in the Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals, is what prompted to the current discovery that was put into clinical practice in the Dominican Republic.  The science was in place prior to the announcement a mutated coronavirus was sweeping the globe which no one had immunity towards.

Dietary intake

The Recommended Daily dietary intake of lysine is 2660 milligrams for a 154-lb (70 kilogram) adult; 3640 milligrams during pregnancy.

Vitamin D by Natureu20… Buy New $11.22 ($0.03 / Count) (as of 03:50 EST – Details) Dietary intake of lysine in western populations ranges from 40-180 milligrams per day per kilogram (2.2 lbs.) of body weight, or 2800-12,600 milligrams for a 154 lb. (70 kilogram) adult.

It is the balance of arginine to lysine that controls the eruption of dormant viruses in the body.  The average intake of arginine is estimated to be 4000-6000 milligrams per day.

Other health benefits

Supplemental lysine also has other health benefits.  Lysine increases absorption of calcium, relieves bouts of anxiety, promotes wound healing, and is helpful for other conditions.  Cholesterol is deposited in binding sites within coronary arteries.  When lysine (and vitamin C) occupy those binding sites, cholesterol is not deposited in arteries.

Prevalence of herpes viral infections

Worldwide many billions of people harbor dormant herpes viruses that erupt into disease from time to time.  In 2016 an estimated 3.7 billion people had herpes simplex virus infection– around 66.6% of the world’s population aged 0 to 49.

Availability of lysine

Lysine is largely produced by the tons for animal feedstuffs.  Roughly 2,200,000 tons of lysine are produced annually.  There is no shortage.

Billions may benefit

The most frequent medical application of lysine therapy has been the quelling of active herpes infections (on skin, lips, etc.), and eradication of Epstein-Barr infection, Bell’s palsy, etc. Solgar L-Lysine 500 mg… Buy New $22.34 ($0.09 / Count) (as of 02:45 EST – Details)

Researchers bemoan the fact that lysine therapy hasn’t become a mainstay in the treatment of herpes infections that affect ~80% of the world’s population over expensive and problematic anti-viral drugs because it doesn’t generate sufficient profit to attract funding for human clinical trials.  Lysine is superior to various anti-viral drugs.

If lysine lives up to its promise as a universal COVID-19 antidote for therapeutic and preventive use, unless billionaire Bill Gates buys up and mothballs all the lysine production plants in the world like he has bought off agricultural land, and bought off news media, vaccine makers and politicians, the need for vaccines will become a moot and meaningless practice for COVID-19.

Because of the long-term safety record of this dietary amino acid, the public can take lysine as a non-prescription preventive “medicine.”

Epidemiologists baffled by low rate of coronavirus infections in India

Despite its large population and poor sanitation, disease trackers are baffled by India’s low rate of coronavirus infections.  Maybe it is India’s lysine-rich diet of yogurt, lamb, chicken, fish curry that protects its population from viral disease.  The striking difference in the country-to-country prevalence of Herpes Simplex-2 infections (only 9.6% in South East Asian countries and 10.7% in Europe vs. 24.0% in the Americas and 43.9% in Africa) could be explained by the lysine/arginine ratio in native diets.

Treat the severely ill; skip the problematic vaccines

Solgar L-Lysine 1000 m… Buy New $22.25 ($0.09 / Count) (as of 02:45 EST – Details) Vaccination is not fool proof.  Vaccinated patients are testing positive for COVID-19.  Doctors can choose to treat the 3 in 10,000 COVID-19 severely infected patients who are at risk for a mortal outcome with lysine rather than needlessly vaccinate billions of people.  Mass vaccination would not be needed, nor would lockdowns, quarantines and questionable mass face mask use be required.  The pandemic would be rapidly extinguished by a public information campaign regarding lysine-rich foods and dietary supplements.  The public can take action on its own today without adverse consequences.  Literally, trillions of dollars would be saved worldwide.  If not for COVID-19, at least for herpes infections.

The shame is on the World Health Organization with a budget of $8.482 billion or the Centers For Disease Control with a budget of $7.875 billion that overlook safe and economical cures like lysine.  This report serves as evidence the world is being gamed to plunder the masses of their health and wealth.  The people of the world need to stop heeding advice from public health officials and practice preventive medicine on their own volition.

There is additional evidence that lysine also halts the growth of influenza and coxsackie viruses.

Further research

Researchers at Bio-Virus Research Inc. are searching for research funds to further document the benefits of lysine therapy.  Contact Bio-Virus Research Inc.


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